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bear2233 | 2009-12-07 11:02
in我仔o個個老師的態度好懶洋洋, 好似好冇心機in咁, 係好冇熱誠個隻, 跟住我地下午去聖大in, 個d老師真係冇得頂, 好好人, 我想問下你地去蘇浙in, d老師係點架? 係唔係我地特別唔好彩? 我地in 9:30, 個老師應該唔係好累啊, 真係唔係好明??
bigears | 2009-12-07 12:06
Quote:原帖由 bear2233 於 09-12-7 11:02 發表
in我仔o個個老師的態度好懶洋洋, 好似好冇心機in咁, 係好冇熱誠個隻, 跟住我地下午去聖大in, 個d老師真係冇得頂, 好好人, 我想問下你地去蘇浙in, d老師係點架? 係唔係我地特別唔好彩? 我地in 9:30, 個老師應該唔係好 ...

Hi bear2233,

The one interviewed you is a Gwai Por? Mine is a foreign lady around 30 years old, sitting in the middle of the far end of the classroom located on the 2nd Floor on top of the small snack stall. She is strange... not asking any questions.......... It's so good that we are not the only family that have received this odd treatment.... She is like drunk with an odd smile on her face.

bear2233 | 2009-12-07 12:17

Mine is a Chinese lady who speaks both Cantonese and Putonghua. So she asked me questions in these two languages.
After this interview, I don't like this school because of this teacher. Can't imagine how they will treat the kids if they study there, no "heart" at all, so disappointed !!
bigears | 2009-12-07 12:30
Bear2233, our whole interview is like this:

Teacher: Good morning. You wear a nice sweater!
Family: Good morning.
Dead air for half a minute with the teacher giving us a big odd smile.
Then I take the lead to ask my kid to play one of the toys which is shapes matching. The diamond shape is missing, and the my kid tried to find it. Then the teacher said, "Oh, one is missing, where is it?" my kid continue to locate it under the desk. The teacher asked what is that shape. My kid did not answer and the teacher opened a story book. At the same time, my kid grabbed another toy. The teacher said, "never mind, let's go with her." But after one minute, the teacher changed her mind and said, "Let's draw sth..... Oh, but where are my crayons? I think I lost them." My husband said, "Shall we borrow from another desk" Teacher responded, "Oh never mind, just forget about it."
and asked us, "Any quesitons?"
I asked, "What's the routine of a day at ur school?" Teacher asked me, "What routine?"
What can I say????? HELP!!!
bear2233 | 2009-12-07 12:49
why did she ask this kind of question? we can't even find the information from their website la!! so strange
miaochan | 2009-12-07 13:33
Quote:原帖由 bear2233 於 09-12-7 11:02 發表
in我仔o個個老師的態度好懶洋洋, 好似好冇心機in咁, 係好冇熱誠個隻, 跟住我地下午去聖大in, 個d老師真係冇得頂, 好好人, 我想問下你地去蘇浙in, d老師係點架? 係唔係我地特別唔好彩? 我地in 9:30, 個老師應該唔係好 ...
[ 本帖最後由 miaochan 於 09-12-7 16:44 編輯 ]
bear2233 | 2009-12-07 14:18
CHKWAN | 2009-12-07 15:42
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moses's_mami | 2009-12-07 15:54
個老師有40幾50歲,我個仔完全聽唔明個老師講咩, 佢同呀仔講廣東話,但d音好唔正~完全係大陸人講廣東話咁~呀仔答佢既問題明明都幾大聲, 就算佢聽唔明呀仔講咩都應該知道呀仔有答佢,不過佢再問呀仔做咩唔出聲....我真係O曬咀......雖然之前係真係幾鍾意呢間學校~不過in完之後感覺無咩特別~而且撞著個咁既老師......都係睇天意啦~
asww181207 | 2009-12-07 16:18
my son interviewd at 11:30, playing puzzle and give teacher the correct fruit and point out eye, nose, ear, mouth, the teacher asked me, who take care my son and asked me whether I choose pm class, my son didn't reply his name but did correct all the request....
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