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SmellyChu | 2013-09-09 12:56
請問唔想太谷,愛官係咪好選擇呢? 啲小朋友乖唔乖? 校風好唔好?
saiwanho | 2013-09-09 16:44
2 years ago I answered a similar question. Today I will still say the same thing:

It's a good school. My kid is leading a happy campus life.
How good is it?
1) modern / spacious campus and facilities
2) school workload not as heavy as other traditional schools
3) the principal, vice-principals and most of the teachers are enthusiastic
4) full support for those falling behind in terms of academic performance
5) no compulsory rules on how you choose your ECAs. Totally at your own discretion (or at your kids' discretion). I am loving it!!
6) if you are in Class A, also plenty of opportunities to let the kids develop more
7) it's a govt school, all fees charged will be kept at a minimum cost without sacrificing the quality.

I have no regret at all on choosing ABGPS!!!
SmellyChu | 2013-09-09 19:08
Thanks saiwanho. 我都明白魚與熊掌好難取捨。我選擇愛官都係想小朋友有開心嘅校園生活。但係佢地會唔會同其他小學啲學業成績差好遠呢?
saiwanho | 2013-09-10 01:40
回復 SmellyChu 的帖子 I don't think there will be big differences between our class A students and other students at other regional famous schools in terms of academic results. Unlike one of the regional schools' principal, who often being high profile and boost about the achievement of their school orchestra, ABGPS appear to be low-profile but still actively participate in all kinds of inter-school sports and musical events.

One thing I appreciate ABGPS a lot: no compulsory rule on ECA, no need to force your kid to study one kind of musical instruments. My kid is not interested in learning musical instruments. Thank God ABGPS hasn't got such a rule which saved our time and money.

It's true that there are many new Chinese immigrants' kids are admitted into ABGPS. But if your kid is willing to study hard, I think it isn't difficult at all to get into Class A. Don't worry too much.

Sorry to type in English as it's faster for me. If you prefer I reply in Chinese, please let me know.

SmellyChu | 2013-09-10 08:58
Super thanks for your valuable sharing. I have much pressure on school choosing before, and now i have more clear idea. Be honest, the Chinese immigrants is one of my concern. But i think that is no much impact if my chil is obedient. Thanks again for your sharing.
saiwanho | 2013-09-10 12:25
You are welcome.

The mainlander students are not that naughty at ABGPS. But to be frank they are a bit weak in English (most of them). But I don't think that would cause us problems as the good ones will be gathered in Class A and the teaching speed and quality will be totally different (except for P1 & P2).

Your kid is a boy or a girl? Now in K3? When my boy was in K3, ABGPS was my only choice. Close to home, also not w/ long history so less younger brothers/sisters to compete with. Also ABGPS links up with good secondary schools.

Pls feel free to post here if you have more questions.
SmellyChu | 2013-09-10 13:43
回復 saiwanho 的帖子 My son is in K3 now, since i am now living in Shakeiwan, so much knowledge in the 16 network. Just know some famous schools are very harsh. ABGPS also near Grandpa home who will take care my son. Other than ABGPS, i also consider 崇真 & 筲官小, but not much comment from edu kingdom. Compare with them, ABGPS' school environment, secondary network is better.

After your comment, i am quite sure i will choose ABGPS in the first round application at the end of Sep.

Thanks again.:kissyou:

conniecheung | 2013-09-10 19:39

SmellyChu | 2013-09-10 23:18
Thanks Conniecheung
saiwanho | 2013-09-11 00:54
回復 SmellyChu 的帖子 Welcome to ABGPS and good luck to your boy!

Shaukeiwan Govt Primary School's campus is a bit small and old when compared to ABGPS. I haven't checked its secondary school linkage. Just becoz of the location and campus it has already been excluded from my choice.

崇真seems having a nice campus but a bit far away from my home. Therefore not considered as well.

I am rather lazy and prefer the school to be close to home. In case of emergency, we can pick up the kid ASAP.

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