2010 小一新生

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skyice | 2010-08-31 16:15
hello! peggy


Quote:原帖由 peggy 於 10-8-31 00:21 發表
Hi Skyice & BBFONG,

我囡囡今年升p.2 ,你們會返學校做義工嗎?

peggy | 2010-08-31 22:30
Quote:原帖由 skyice 於 10-8-31 16:15 發表
hello! peggy


我就參加了午飯姨姨 &壁佈組 , 你有興趣嗎?:lol:
chan803 | 2010-08-31 22:34
Quote:原帖由 skyice 於 10-8-31 16:12 發表
您好! chan 803,

我個囡k1 -k3返學都未:naughty:過.

我都好明白小朋友第一天返小學點都有d擔心,現在你囡囡是否升p.2. 加油!

Yes. 明天又要開始送囡返學的日子了....
skyice | 2010-09-01 11:24

Quote:原帖由 peggy 於 10-8-31 22:30 發表

我就參加了午飯姨姨 &壁佈組 , 你有興趣嗎?:lol:

peggy | 2010-09-01 17:24
Quote:原帖由 skyice 於 10-9-1 11:24 發表

Macaulay | 2010-10-28 17:34
My daughter studies at P1B, it takes her almost one month to write booklet (of homework) correctly. As for homework, she needs full attention tutoring. It takes quite long time to understand what she needs to do. Not easy for examination preparation, including format, content and skill... I am wondering if other parents have same experience?
skyice | 2010-10-29 11:20
你好呀! macaulay,
剛剛小一,要俾時間小朋友適應. 你有冇見過老師?佢哋覺得你個小朋友跟得上嗎?


Quote:原帖由 Macaulay 於 10-10-28 17:34 發表
My daughter studies at P1B, it takes her almost one month to write booklet (of homework) correctly. As for homework, she needs full attention tutoring. It takes quite long time to understand what she ...

Macaulay | 2010-10-29 15:56
Thanks Skyice,

I have not called teacher to discuss now as I want to watch her for some time, she is little girl (Birthday on Nov), it may not easy to accommodate to primary cource which way different to KG life - playing most of time. I heard from my daugther some of her classmates are very smart and get high score for each quiz, also has kid gets "0". From the content of quiz, some have not taught before, she has no idea to complete these portion. Sure majority of the content are within range that have been given before, but lost some of score due to unfamiliar to the format. For recent examination I went over for her repeatitively for Chinese and English, seems with some improvement from her reflection. Will see how the result will be.
skyice | 2010-10-29 23:30
Hi macaulay,

唉!我個囡都係細女. 我都怕佢差d. 可能妳女兒今次成績ok啦!唔好太擔心!


Quote:原帖由 Macaulay 於 10-10-29 15:56 發表
Thanks Skyice,

I have not called teacher to discuss now as I want to watch her for some time, she is little girl (Birthday on Nov), it may not easy to accommodate to primary cource which way differen ...

Macaulay | 2010-11-01 09:38
Thanks for good wishes, I hope too.

I received Dictation Review Paper (for Nov 8 dict) last week and a samll label stick on booklet, given the range for Nov 15 English Quiz. I am not against to receive it, but good "timing" as we will be free at the weekend followed with middle examination. Ideally we should decide when we should start preparing for them, up to individual learning pace.

On top of this, we joined charity run on Sunday. Physically it was exhausted but mentally were quite relax...Recharge energy to be ready to routine life.

Quote:原帖由 skyice 於 10-10-29 23:30 發表
Hi macaulay,

唉!我個囡都係細女. 我都怕佢差d. 可能妳女兒今次成績ok啦!唔好太擔心!



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