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lovepooh215 | 2009-09-11 13:47
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Kitkit01 | 2009-10-11 23:17
Hi lovepooh215,

bchi | 2009-12-03 10:22
kitkit, 你幾時再返上來啊, 講多d lmc d 野比我地聽啦 please ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:pity:
larchai | 2009-12-04 11:55
Quote:原帖由 Kitkit01 於 09-10-11 23:17 發表
Hi lovepooh215,

小兒今年讀小一,見他返學返得好開心,課程比我想像深,尤其是中文.除中文用普通話,其餘都全英語.每天功課量適中.學校雖然比較細,但校長同老師都好親切,小班教學又屬九龍城網,暫時我都覺得無選擇錯.希 ...

我想問, LMC "屬九龍城網", 這是否與升中有關係? 升中派位的校網是視住址或校址? 我知道升小派位就只看住址而與幼稚園校址無關但不知升中點?
Whitepine | 2009-12-04 12:22


Quote:原帖由 larchai 於 09-12-4 11:55 發表

我想問, LMC "屬九龍城網", 這是否與升中有關係? 升中派位的校網是視住址或校址? 我知道升小派位就只看住址而與幼稚園校址無關但不知升中點?

larchai | 2009-12-04 12:55
tks whitepine.

sorry 我自問自答, just got this from internet http://www.hked.org/epaper17.htm

LMC 的校網很好, is it same as 九龍塘?
this makes me stronger confident with this school.
bchi | 2009-12-04 12:58
34 校網當然好啦. 等我數d 出來下.... 等等...

旅港開平, 何文田官立中學, 華英中學, 陳瑞祺中學, 鄧鏡波中學.
Whitepine | 2009-12-04 14:21

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thank you too.

The link is very useful. I know more about the selection of secondary school issue

Quote:原帖由 larchai 於 09-12-4 12:55 發表
tks whitepine.

sorry 我自問自答, just got this from internet http://www.hked.org/epaper17.htm

LMC 的校網很好, is it same as 九龍塘?
this makes me stronger confident with this school. ...