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ppww | 2009-11-18 00:17
Quote:原帖由 maktszching 於 09-11-17 23:52 發表
我個女都係11月14日考啟思(正校),而且我哋兩公婆都唔係專業人士,不過好好彩收咗我個女(上午班):funny: ,可能係我個女嗰日心情好好,所以in佢嗰個老師問每條問題佢都笑住咁答,一D都唔緊張,反而我就好緊張,呢間係佢考嘅 ...

ylchu | 2009-11-18 00:40
我11月7日去in, 今日收到信收咗am 班(九龍塘正校),
嗰日我個女表現唔係好好, 掛住自己玩, 只係答咗先生少少嘢, 我仲諗住唔得但又收咗, 我朋友個女女, 同一日去in, 表現好好但反而唔收 ..... 真出奇, 都唔知點收生!!!!
maktszching | 2009-11-18 00:53
ppww | 2009-11-18 01:09
Quote:原帖由 ylchu 於 09-11-18 00:40 發表
我11月7日去in, 今日收到信收咗am 班(九龍塘正校),
嗰日我個女表現唔係好好, 掛住自己玩, 只係答咗先生少少嘢, 我仲諗住唔得但又收咗, 我朋友個女女, 同一日去in, 表現好好但反而唔收 ..... 真出奇, 都唔知點收生!!!! ...

maylam2022 | 2009-11-18 23:38
Agree:pity: 真的好無奈!!!
maylam2022 | 2009-11-18 23:40
謝謝!!!! 咁都好d 都叫做有間offer喺手啦!!!!如果唔係都唔知點算-.-
arcaar | 2009-11-19 00:16
jamesuki | 2009-11-20 16:26
我係 9/11 in 到現在未收到信通知.
chansheila | 2009-11-20 20:03
Quote:原帖由 awesomeada 於 09-11-16 05:06 PM 發表
今 都收到reject信 ,話因學位唔夠而不取錄....:crying: :crying:

我覺得佢地都幾睇家長係咪專業人士. 因為我家姐同個朋友佢地係專業人士所以收左

未必囉..我都係專業人事啦..個仔都in 得好好...依然係唔收...老師都講到好白...話我個仔太細..即係細仔機會好微啦...因為收左我 $30..明知一早full 晒...冇位既....都夾硬做 interview...sign.
fatma2222 | 2009-11-20 23:26
they rejected us as well as we are not professional people

my son answered all the questions in english 10% but the teacher's has very bad english i think that is why she doesnt accept him
we interview 10 school and this is the one school that reject us...
we never treat this as serious school and only in chinese and also the books is so so so easy would be a waste to go there
also this school give us bad impression
on day of interview our slip say 12.45pm, we get there 15 mins in advance, and the school only opens on 12.46pm for us to go in.. long Q at the door...
then once you go in, they tell you go up stairs, but never clear instruction on which floor, so we end up go all the way up then down again
during interview, the room is so so so noisy and small, can hardy hear the teacher
i kinda regret paying HKD 30 for a school doesn't know how to organize interview well...

Quote:原帖由 chansheila 於 09-11-20 20:03 發表

未必囉..我都係專業人事啦..個仔都in 得好好...依然係唔收...老師都講到好白...話我個仔太細..即係細仔機會好微啦...因為收左我 $30..明知一早full 晒...冇位既....都夾硬做 interview...sign. ...

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