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ming_0128 | 2015-12-18 21:51

jamlee309 | 2016-01-29 21:05
新一代, 我女讀新一代剛上小一, 新一代平d 加州我朋友個仔讀左3個月轉校去左新一代,無愛心,小朋友喊單獨困在一間房,學費貴

yokiara | 2016-01-30 00:38
My child has studied at Sunkids. I'm glad that he studies there. I haven't heard about the crying issue. Perhaps just I don't know, but from what I have seen myself, teachers are very caring. They would contact parents about how my child performs. Besides, my child has learnt a lot there. Just like in November, they learnt about Thanksgiving. On that weekend, suddenly my child wrote a letter to his teacher on his own, thanking his teacher for teaching them and letting them know many interesting stories. I'm grateful that he would feel thankful on his own, without anyone asking him to do so.
I can only share what I know.
Perhaps something happened to others , but I haven't heard of that.
And I don't know anything about New Generation, because we didn't apply at that time..
misschiiu | 2016-03-20 00:20
我是Sunkids用家,女兒讀全日n,無論校長,本地或外籍老師及工友都笑容滿面,正如校名sunkids一樣充滿愛心。學校賣點除了重視兩文三語外,更行美國課程,有cooking lab,dramatic 課程等,缺點是學費比較貴,比足12月學費。

jamlee309 | 2016-06-11 11:06
我女現時9月將會升小二, 在新一代由N班讀起,直至K3!我覺得新一代算是屯門區最好的私校幼稚園!因為學費唔算太貴,中英文平均教。 上了小學,發現中文好重要! 難學過英文! 我女當年考直資私學,沒有考九龍區一帶小學!但有圓玄,李宗德,宏信,深水埗崇真私小,嶺南小學,培僑,王錦輝收了我女兒!十分開心, 多得新一代的教法及自己比女兒上的興趣班

emily. | 2016-07-17 22:53

fatchoibaby | 2016-09-19 03:34
Quote:jamlee309 發表於 16-6-11 11:06 我女現時9月將會升小二, 在新一代由N班讀起,直至K3!我覺得新一代算是屯門區最好的私校幼稚園!因為學費唔 ...

你囡囡好叻叻 請問上咩興趣班,考直資會較多優勢?thanks

lamlam1115 | 2016-09-29 12:39
jamlee309 | 2016-10-03 23:30
Quote:lamlam1115 發表於 16-9-29 12:39 想問下新一代是否有k1既全日班?上網睇nursery係咪=k1


emily. | 2016-11-26 14:25
Quote:yokiara 發表於 16-1-30 00:38 My child has studied at Sunkids. I'm glad that he studies there. I haven't heard about the crying is ...

sunkids seems so good:P. ur child studied from n to k3?

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