請問有誰瞭解superkids education center

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fmhk_jj | 2013-05-09 19:31

akys | 2013-05-10 15:26
回復 fmhk_jj 的帖子 1)Position 自己是英文Grammar school, 不是補習社
7)學位求過於供, 有人話名校生或有介紹人的機會高些。
8)沒有網址,只可電話留言,不設查詢。入學申請書每年5月派發, 自己到學校取。


fmhk_jj | 2013-05-10 20:39

rococo | 2013-05-10 23:04

fmhk_jj | 2013-05-10 23:28

rococo | 2013-05-10 23:30

Anondotdot | 2013-05-21 11:35
回復 fmhk_jj 的帖子 Superkids is an English Teaching Centre that focuses on students from Primary One to Form Three. Their main focus is on English Grammar. They have aspects on listening, oral, reading and writing English. They use stories, role plays, discussions, games and presentations in an English-only speaking environment to get students to understand and use the skills that they are taught. Their topics are usually similar or more advanced than what is taught at school so often these students are quite outstanding. They have exams 2 times a year and throughout the term they do a lot of dictations and quizzes so students are always kept on their feet. The centre expects a certain level of commitment and performance and they are quite strict. If you do not perform up to their standards then you could be asked to repeat the year or asked to leave.
They often have an overwhelming response of applications (900+ applications for approx. 100 places). From what I have heard the centre currently has a 2-3+ year waiting list for P2-P6, and your best chances of getting in are if you apply from P1. New students are not often accepted for F1-F3. So since they already have such a big customer base and such good word -of-mouth reputation they don't need to advertise or set up any informational sources to further increase their workload nor to recruit more students.
Despite all the things that you may hear, the centre doesnt just accept students from certain "Branded" schools so everyone has a chance. However, if you dont apply then you have no chance at all. After handing the application, you might be short-listed and will receive a phone call to go in for a formal interview and test. After the test the student will have a short interview with the principal to determine the English ability of the student and decide which class he/she will be put in.
The centre is run by the principal Ms Lau and her husband Mr Lau. Ms Lau focuses mainly on the discipline of students and daily running of the business on English side of the centre and Mr Lau teaches Mathematics from the centre.
Their teachers are either native speakers or are people who have spent a good number of years in an English speaking country. I am sure in order to maintain their good reputation, they won't hire just anyone to be a teacher. Based on the government website all their employees have at least a degree from a university or have some form of tertiary education. My experience is the teachers are all very friendly and professional and can be informative about progress and my kids have become very attached to their corresponding teachers. However, when they change classes they have an equally good time.
Application forms are ONLY available during the month of May each year. If you miss out then there is NO other way to apply except to wait for next May. There is a contact number but there is no use calling it as it is only an answer phone, I think it is mainly for communication between Ms Lau and the parents/students rather than for people asking for information. In a recent parent-child magazine, they were reputedly described as the centre that always has a long line of students that leads from the main lobby of the building all the way down the street on Saturdays and Sundays. Some parents tried to make a good impression by going up and catching the principal and requesting information in which they were blatantly turned away with a bad impression of the centre. However, if you think from her point of view, she already has to manage so many students and teachers and on top of all that if she had to answer questions from each and every parent, she might as well just close down. My experience with her is she is quite friendly. She has an outstanding memory as she can recognize and name all students, maybe not so much the parents.
Overall, I would highly recommend the centre, but you will need lots of luck getting in.

overview | 2013-05-21 19:17
[i=s] 本帖最後由 overview 於 13-5-21 19:28 編輯 [/i] 我校只係津校, 但英文最top果埋唔會係from superkids. 我真係覺得跨張佐. 每級收咁多學生但連一本似樣的grammar notes都冇, 只係派幾張worksheets比你做. 好老實,我就覺得冇咩system, 我地學校派worksheets, 都有d notes比你. 佢地係完全冇. 作文更加係咁易改, 不過平平地都讀得過, 但讀唔到, 係冇損失架.

上到中學, 寧願出去補天王, 起碼d grammar notes精要好多.

花仔媽咪 | 2013-05-21 21:33

fmhk_jj | 2013-05-23 09:58
Thank you for your sharing. As you mentioned that Mr. LAU taught mathematics from the centre. That's meant the centre providing English & Mathematics. While the candidates apply the class, the subjects are chosen or not. If two subjects are chosen, the tutorial fee is in double and the lesson being attended twice a week.

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