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1998Ruby1998 | 2019-10-27 11:38
Quote:sunnymama2 發表於 19-10-27 09:59 係唔係,如果睇戲,就in the cinema, 如果約戲院等,可以用wait at cinema 嗎?

睇戲可以 at/in the cinema 都得。We are going to watch a movie at the cinema 或 in the cinema 都得,at the cinema 就會好似你睇地圖咁,當 cinema 係地圖上一點,類似車站咁。in the cinema 係注重佢係一間房, 就好似 in the bedroom, in the car。可以將 in 理解為 inside。at 可以理解為 inside or outside。 小朋友連簡單填 in on at 都要諗,要再理解同分辨呢啲就更難。所以跟書跟老師最穩陣。

MrBeast | 2019-10-27 11:43
[i=s] 本帖最後由 MrBeast 於 19-10-27 11:46 編輯 [/i] 大家不要月亮是外國圓,中文在官津校其實也好無奈 :happy:
sunnymama2 | 2019-10-27 11:43
Quote:1998Ruby1998 發表於 19-10-27 11:38 睇戲可以 at/in the cinema 都得。We are going to watch a movie at the cinema 或 in the cinema 都得, ...

阿仔學緊in, at, on的preposition 老師教喺某一點/area, 就係at, 如果喺某一空間內,就係in,在某surface 上,就係on 如果我冇理解錯老師(亦可能我理解錯啦),點解可以stay "in" the seat, 而唔係“at the seat, 或“on the seat”? 我英文都係小學雞程度,唔識教 :igiveup:

MrBeast | 2019-10-27 11:50
90% 的in on at 都不難理解,但從來都唔明點解工人姐姐會理直氣壯地說in the table
sunnymama2 | 2019-10-27 12:02
Quote:MrBeast 發表於 19-10-27 11:50 90% 的in on at 都不難理解,但從來都唔明點解工人姐姐會理直氣壯地說in the table ...

工人姐姐好容易教壞小朋友英文 親戚的工人姐姐成日叫佢小朋友“食蛋食蛋” :hahaha: ,其實係叫佢 sit down :joyous:

Jane1983 | 2019-10-27 12:06
Quote:qpalzm 發表於 19-10-27 10:56 我唔係叫老師要咁讚佢,我會咁做唔代表老師要咁做。我意思係如果有時D計分唔好咁硬性好似串錯一個字扣幾多 ...


October. | 2019-10-27 12:41
[size={"x":65,"y":23,"w":239,"h":14,"abs_x":466,"abs_y":509}][size={"x":65,"y":23,"w":222,"h":14,"abs_x":466,"abs_y":509}]1998Ruby1998 發表於 19-10-27 08:00
本帖最後由 1998Ruby1998 於 19-10-27 08:03 編輯

see a movie 係真係要“行”去個戲院,watch a movie ...


Poyau | 2019-10-27 13:11
[i=s] 本帖最後由 Poyau 於 19-11-1 10:36 編輯 [/i] 問題係考試用BE但日常接觸AE多:thinking:

Elenalan | 2019-10-27 13:53
唔關津唔津校事,in the seat 係强調"seated" not "standing", 其實好少情況會用on the seat, 除非你想強調係坐喺椅上不是坐在其他物件上。而watching movies係最常用,指已經坐低去睇(watch), 唔係行去睇。

1998Ruby1998 | 2019-10-27 21:11
回覆 MrBeast 的帖子 因為工人姐姐理解 table 係一個四方形,將任何野擺入去呢個框框入面,佢都理解為 in。
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