RWKT | 2021-06-29 06:33 |
Quote:alexay 發表於 21-6-28 12:50 唔係話唔使面試就直接 call offer 咩? |
nhi | 2021-06-29 10:32 |
nhi | 2021-06-29 10:36 |
All candidates were invited to have the written or only selected ones.I could see that there were only 2 kids for P2 insertion written exam |
siutreasure | 2021-06-29 10:36 |
Quote:nhi 發表於 21-6-29 10:32 My kid is currently in a English school, but the Math paper is in Chinese, so he found it difficult ... |
kmartchan | 2021-06-29 11:21 |
[i=s] 本帖最後由 kmartchan 於 21-7-6 17:16 編輯 [/i]
回覆 bgirllazy 的帖子 |
siutreasure | 2021-06-29 14:25 |
Quote:kmartchan 發表於 21-6-29 11:21 回覆 bgirllazy 的帖子 我囝話 English composition: My favorite Person 都深既 |
Lilianyu500 | 2021-06-29 14:33 |
Quote:kmartchan 發表於 21-6-29 11:21 回覆 bgirllazy 的帖子 我囝話 English composition: My favorite Person 都深既 |
kmartchan | 2021-06-29 15:33 |
[i=s] 本帖最後由 kmartchan 於 21-7-6 17:18 編輯 [/i]
Quote:siutreasure 發表於 21-6-29 14:25 我仔插小四話都呢個題目,唔少於100字 |
bgirllazy | 2021-06-29 16:05 |
Quote:siutreasure 發表於 21-6-29 14:25 我仔插小四話都呢個題目,唔少於100字 竟然一樣 |
已刪除用戶 | 2021-06-29 16:31 |
英作100字其實正常,不過中作300字就好似多喎!呢個係插小四。 |