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little_yolky | 2019-10-31 19:17
Quote:qpalzm 發表於 19-10-27 10:31 係,但成個帖都係講去戲院嘛。event係呢度就係指一打開眼就睇到,而唔需要特登好似電視咁眼專注睇。當然兒 ...


little_yolky | 2019-10-31 19:38
Quote:1998Ruby1998 發表於 19-10-31 19:07 我覺得明嘅,大個就會自己明,唔洗急於宜家講。講完十個有八個都唔明,剩低兩個,過多兩三日都唔記得左。 ...


1998Ruby1998 | 2019-11-01 01:33
Quote:little_yolky 發表於 19-10-31 19:38 但問題係,如果想教得深入仔細,一般係要英文好好既人或native,但樓主話佢得S5程度都敢challenge,佢都好 ...

唔計大學,12 年讀書,我只係中二駁過一次,嗰次我係好有把握先咁做,否則我一定係跟老師。人地食鹽多過我食米,唔係第一日教書。老師咁教實有佢原因。 Btw,唔少初中已知 see/watch movie 分別,叻啲嘅,小學都已經分到,唔洗 S5 咁高 :hoheho:

little_yolky | 2019-11-01 07:42
Quote:1998Ruby1998 發表於 19-11-1 01:33 唔計大學,12 年讀書,我只係中二駁過一次,嗰次我係好有把握先咁做,否則我一定係跟老師。人地食鹽多過我 ...


assado | 2019-11-01 09:08
Quote:Cheeselover 發表於 19-10-27 22:31 我遇到這些問題時都會叫阿女讀一次,問她用哪一字讀出來較順,便用那個,幸好學校(教會津校)的英文老師沒有 ...

[i=s] 本帖最後由 assado 於 19-11-1 09:09 編輯 [/i] 網上都容易找到用法

bobbob | 2019-11-01 10:10
Quote:1998Ruby1998 發表於 19-10-27 08:00
see a movie 係真係要“行”去個戲院,watch a movie 就真係靜止欣賞,所以會講 We are going to see a movie at the cinema 同 We are watching a movie in the cinema.

係小朋友未掌握到呢啲細節位之前,用 watch 係最安全同 almost 永遠正確。
We use see, not watch, when we talk about being at sports matches or public performances, such as films, theatre and dramas. However, we watch the television:
We saw a wonderful new film last night. You’ll have to go and see it while it’s in the cinema.

  • We don’t use watch when referring to a film in the cinema:

We’re going to the cinema tonight.

What are you going to see? (Not: What are you going to watch?)

I’m not sure. I really want to see the new Rocky movie but Nancy said she’s not interested in that.

Not: I really want to watch the new Rocky movie …

  • We use watch, not see, when we refer to something on the television:

At night, I like to watch the television.

呢度反而話去戲院睇戲see a movie正確,watch a movie係錯喎

qpalzm | 2019-11-01 10:17
Quote:little_yolky 發表於 19-10-31 19:17
睇到呢度我好震驚!點解你自己英文程度唔高但係質疑教科書D英文?點解你會覺得自己既英文會好過老師or教科 ...

例如早兩日又遇到書教 in the playground,但有本練習答案係 on the playground。咁係in定on呢,定at都得呢?呢D位我唔會一刀切話跟書in the playground,反而我會視為好機會同佢解釋唔同場景用法。

我上英文堂到中五係事實,但我自己經驗而言, 學語言要有突破好多時唔係靠課堂。

Elenalan | 2019-11-01 10:38
Quote:bobbob 發表於 19-11-1 10:10 https://dictionary.cambridge.org/grammar/british-grammar/look-at-see-or-watch
We use see, n ...

我問小朋友"see" vs "watch"分別,佢都話I want to see a movie (佢未睇過打算「去」睇。如果喺戲院內佢會答I'm watching this...。個分別就係「去睇」vs 「睇」(已坐低和睇)。我剛剛又問隔離2位英國人同事,佢地確認我嘅理解係正確。所以有時問細路仔 (如佢地自小自然地接觸英文 (聽講讀)唔似我呢d港式grammar教育長大嘅,反而毫無懸念。我自問讀左好多年書,都係上大學之後先敢講英文,出來工作先覺得自己識英文。 另外可以睇下電影網站imbd個標題: https://m.imdb.com/list/ls041149509/

Elenalan | 2019-11-01 10:54
Quote:Elenalan 發表於 19-11-1 10:38 我問小朋友"see" vs "watch"分別,佢都話I want to see a movie (佢未睇過打算「去」睇。如果喺戲院內佢會 ...

所以有朋友問我你英文咁好 (佢地覺得工作用英文就係好勁架喇) 點解我唔自己教呀女英文,要搵個NET教writing? 我就係唔想用港式grammar教學去教個女,我想佢係真正get到english usage而唔係要用港式文法去「解釋」番個用法。 關於prepositions 呀女自然地get到點用,好少用錯也不用去「解釋」,反而tense會亂(因為未學過,而睇書係present tense and past tense都有,口語perfect tense 就好少錯)。

Elenalan | 2019-11-01 11:13
[i=s] 本帖最後由 Elenalan 於 19-11-1 11:37 編輯 [/i] Quote:assado 發表於 19-11-1 09:08
本帖最後由 assado 於 19-11-1 09:09 編輯


如果話"watch" - usually sth that you look at for a period of time, 咁"look"本身都可以咁用。例如我個junior寫左份野俾我review, 我唔得閒即時睇, 我會答佢"I'll look/ have a look at this first thing tomorrow morning..."睇完佢份野我又會答佢:"I had a look through...."
其實"look"都可以用好多時間。 仲有look into sth more detailed/ looking into it in detail, looking for details...呢..用時間長短未必分到"watch" vs "look"

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