bobbob | 2019-11-01 11:34 |
Elenalan | 2019-11-01 11:38 |
Quote:bobbob 發表於 19-11-1 11:34 cambridge dictionary個website講我覺得有根據啲,唔係質疑你,但有時外籍人士都有機會錯grammar。。。至於 ... 我都會質疑我自己, 所以我問果位英國人係文學博士:thinking: |
qpalzm | 2019-11-01 11:58 |
Elenalan | 2019-11-01 12:07 |
IloveJJ | 2019-11-01 12:34 |
作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 |
1998Ruby1998 | 2019-11-01 21:20 |
回覆 bobbob 的帖子
Context 問題。see 同 watch 都可以用,非常肯定係可以用 watch a movie。Cambridge 嘅 examples 並沒有 “watch a movie in the cinema” 呢個組合,只係 I really want to see the new Rocky movie。 例子: A: Want to see Frozen 2 this weekend? B: Why don't we do it at home? A: Don't you want to watch it in the cinema? 呢度係強調地點。 報導/名人 interview 例句: "Of course, you do. Actors are fans as well. Going to watch Pet Sematary at the cinema really reminded me of how little I do that now — watch movies in the cinema — and I really enjoyed them as an audience member." This percentage was lower than the 32 per cent of respondents who said that they preferred to watch movies in the cinema. Teens are catered for with two separate clubs (for 12 to 14s and 15 to 17-year-olds) where they can chill out in their own lounge, watch movies in the cinema and dance the night away in the disco. Or maybe it's just that the people who go to watch movies in the cinema are not the same as those who go to watch sport. Doug Kramer built him and his family an entire movie room in their house and so they don't typically watch movies in the cinema like us muggles. Cambridge 所提及嘅「長時間觀看」亦正確。樓主遇到嘅題目應該係配對活動同地點,例如 buy food in the supermarket, read books in the library,如果佢用 see a movie in the cinema,當中 see a movie 已經包括去戲院呢個元素,唔會需要再提,否則就好累贅(正如你唔會講 I cook some noodles "in the kitchen"、I take a bath “in the bathroom”)。用 watch 則適合,尤其地點係重點。 We can go see the movie, or just stay at home and watch it on Netflix. But I would say watching movies in the cinema is a different experience from watching it at home. Google Ngram 亦有數據,2000s 年代 watch a movie 呢個組合使用率 0.0000140%,see a movie 0.0000160%。使用率冇差好遠。 |
shadeslayer | 2019-11-02 00:16 |
1. 英文,我唔會盡信本地老師。
2. 以第二語言方式教英文,即字詞,文法,作文,聽講,的次序,係好難學到超越一般外語程度。 |
MrBeast | 2019-11-02 06:39 |
之所以話lang 是要浸,不過工廠式用simple rules 是最effectuve,唔通中學教newton laws of motion 又會無奈要學相對論乎 |
cafeva | 2019-11-02 08:56 |
咁直私又點教英文㗎? |
retriever | 2019-11-02 10:55 |