aidan08 | 2013-11-19 20:25 |
Quote:Radiomama 發表於 13-11-19 20:16 其實aidan08的分析好有理由,講真,該校的家長在這事上不用太過維護這份功課,是其是、非其非,不是讓人更 ... 而且,糾正學校的不足之處,對自己仔女亦有好處。點解要維護校譽而咁盲從附和呢? |
小曳人 | 2013-11-19 21:20 |
回覆 aidan08 的帖子
對唔住,我教仔方法可能跟大部份人好唔同 從少我就當孩子大人咁教,我無理佢明唔明,無為佢選擇過所謂合適嘅深度 (我睇教仔書教嘅) 我相信佢要明白,就自然會明,就好似天災,佢一問已經係點解會有呢個天文現象,咁深~我自己都唔識,係咪唔答?定係同佢講:你咁細,都唔明架啦? sorry,呢句說話唔會响我屋企出現 我會盡我所能回答 我地生活上好多嘢都係無乜意義,就好似奧數,我老公話無用嘅,但阿仔要學.. 公開考試要學嘅嘢,好多都無乜意義... 可能阿仔問得太多無意義嘅問題,所以我唔記得咗一般家長只容許孩子接觸適合深度及有意義嘅訊息 而似乎佢嘅理解/閱讀能力比較強,我無考慮到其他小朋友响父母協助下都可以出現唔明白嘅情況 在我,呢d問題等同玩word puzzle,當然,家長們可以話玩word puzzle係無意義嘅行為,而我,雖然唔係用家,覺得呢d問題幾好玩~阿仔會鍾意! 唔同嘅教學法,適合唔同嘅小朋友/家庭 多謝 |
aidan08 | 2013-11-19 21:20 |
eviepa | 2013-11-19 21:54 |
[i=s] 本帖最後由 eviepa 於 13-11-19 21:56 編輯 [/i]
回覆 WKDRB 的帖子 //出這類題目給小一的人和支持者連何謂教育都不懂! 我相信不需要甚麼教學專家,只要稍為有理性懂思考懂分析的人一看就知出這些垃圾題目是對還是錯吧! 有這樣理念的垃圾學校,不讀也罷!// 咁快又番嚟呀? 你用詞咁狠,有道理人地都唔會服喇。 |
aidan08 | 2013-11-19 21:56 |
aidan08 | 2013-11-19 22:07 |
marble2004 | 2013-11-19 22:47 |
回覆 aidan08 的帖子
而且,糾正學校的不足之處,對自己仔女亦有好處。而且,糾正學校的不足之處,對自己仔女亦有好處。點解要維護校譽而咁盲從附和呢?? Reference to the above statement only, not really related to what is being discussed in this thread. I strongly support 而且,糾正學校的不足之處,對自己仔女亦有好處。點解要維護校譽而咁盲從附和呢? I also raised some issues to the school and flagged some mistakes on what the teacher taught. But guess what, the teachers asked me to shut up. But indeed they are wrong. I discussed with the teachers after I spotted the mistakes and further discussed with a number of people. I found out in fact, the teachers on one hand, have not further their education and secure what they have learned, and on the other hand, they do not want to admit their mistake - this is really a shame. It's not wrong to make mistakes, we all make mistakes, right? But the point we have to correct our mistakes. |
aidan08 | 2013-11-19 22:58 |
WKDRB | 2013-11-19 23:03 |
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ANChan59 | 2013-11-19 23:09 |
Quote:aidan08 發表於 13-11-19 22:58 我明白你所講的情況,其中一個原因,都同中國人對老師的觀念,和老師這個行業的習性有關。因為我以前在一 ... 多謝分享! |