WKDRB | 2013-11-19 23:10 |
作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 |
eviepa | 2013-11-19 23:17 |
Quote:WKDRB 發表於 13-11-19 23:03 我都係議事論事,用詞可能的確有點狠辣,你說得對,當別人感覺被言詞傷害或被侵犯,會自動架起防衞機制,甚 ... //我都係議事論事,用詞可能的確有點狠辣,你說得對,當別人感覺被言詞傷害或被侵犯,會自動架起防衞機制,甚麼道理也聽不進耳,我也應該檢討用字用詞,否則任何道理都是白費。// 好奇怪你會咁溫和,其實九萬幾人都想你用詞唔好咁狠辣。 |
hadwinboy | 2013-11-20 00:25 |
skkeung | 2013-11-20 07:37 |
WKDRB | 2013-11-20 09:20 |
作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 |
aidan08 | 2013-11-20 09:49 |
我日日睇報紙,亦對主要時事好熟悉,不過,港鐵每程減收0.1我真的不知,我亦相我身邊好多專業人士、中產都未必知,我亦唔覺我唔知呢件事會比人話我脫節和愚昩。少搭港鐵咪唔留意囉,呢則新聞有咩咁值得每個市民都要留意呢?所以,大人都在篩選自己需否知道的新聞啦!培養閲報習慣係需要,但都係嗰句,點樣培養先係重點,冇人話細路唔需要培養關心時事! |
1234ats | 2013-11-20 10:03 |
後生一代連的士加價不知,港鐵何時全面使用智能車票不知,為何港鐵每程減收0.1 也不知,交通工具是民生一部份,竟然說可以不用知,我覺得很悲哀。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我唔系后生一代,但以上所讲的我通通唔知,亦无兴趣知。想落又真系几悲哀。 |
marble2004 | 2013-11-20 21:56 |
回覆 aidan08 的帖子
You have said exactly what I wanted to say...Lucky enough is my kid is doing pretty good at school so teachers are not picky on her. Though I also studied at local school, again, I was lucky enough I learned English via a number of westerners and they had good heart in teaching. Like what you said, it's really free thinking throughout all the years...Even Chinese History, my lecturer at university also told the class they could not challenge for what I presented as long as what I said was correct with relevant supporting, they could not I did not say this and that. Now, obviously, teachers don't have a heart and could not accept opinion from others...In fact, what I told them were constructive and I discussed with them in a very polite manner. It's quite the opposite when I found the response from the teachers...sometimes, I think are they qualified!!! So I could not buy the idea that those parents support the school blindly...this could not help the kids's development but just hinder their future |
hadwinboy | 2013-11-21 00:57 |
Quote:原帖由 skkeung 於 13-11-20 發表 曾志偉也不是娛樂花邊新聞? |
hadwinboy | 2013-11-21 01:00 |
Quote:原帖由 WKDRB 於 13-11-20 發表 首先,我發表的不是甚麼「偉論」,而只是一個常人都應該懂的「常識」。 其次,要對貴校一些不合理的教學 ... |