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WKDRB | 2013-11-19 23:10
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eviepa | 2013-11-19 23:17
Quote:WKDRB 發表於 13-11-19 23:03
我都係議事論事,用詞可能的確有點狠辣,你說得對,當別人感覺被言詞傷害或被侵犯,會自動架起防衞機制,甚 ...



hadwinboy | 2013-11-20 00:25
Quote:原帖由 WKDRB 於 13-11-19 發表

你若 ...
既然不清楚,那麼我建議你先了解清楚其他小學如何教時事才發表偉論,起碼我母親曾任教港島神校常識,也說與其校小一時事題程度相約,也是如此抽報章內容出工作紙(但會避了暴力色情跳樓等新聞) 又或,其實你可去信教育局,建議取消"時事" 一項,好過你如此屈就在 EK 舒發不滿。因是教育局通過加插認識"時事" 於常識一科,當時是認為小學生常識不應限於課本,要知道社會、(再引申) 世界發生什麼大事,而閱報習慣需要從小建立。反觀現時後生一代從不閱報,或只留意娛樂花邊新聞,所以教育局要倡議廣泛閱讀。後生一代連的士加價不知,港鐵何時全面使用智能車票不知,為何港鐵每程減收0.1 也不知,交通工具是民生一部份,竟然說可以不用知,我覺得很悲哀。以上各項我個小一囝全部知,関心時事、認識社會,這是我做家長的理念。多謝賜教。

skkeung | 2013-11-20 07:37

WKDRB | 2013-11-20 09:20
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aidan08 | 2013-11-20 09:49
1234ats | 2013-11-20 10:03
後生一代連的士加價不知,港鐵何時全面使用智能車票不知,為何港鐵每程減收0.1 也不知,交通工具是民生一部份,竟然說可以不用知,我覺得很悲哀。
marble2004 | 2013-11-20 21:56
回覆 aidan08 的帖子 You have said exactly what I wanted to say...Lucky enough is my kid is doing pretty good at school so teachers are not picky on her.

Though I also studied at local school, again, I was lucky enough I learned English via a number of westerners and they had good heart in teaching. Like what you said, it's really free thinking throughout all the years...Even Chinese History, my lecturer at university also told the class they could not challenge for what I presented as long as what I said was correct with relevant supporting, they could not I did not say this and that.

Now, obviously, teachers don't have a heart and could not accept opinion from others...In fact, what I told them were constructive and I discussed with them in a very polite manner. It's quite the opposite when I found the response from the teachers...sometimes, I think are they qualified!!!

So I could not buy the idea that those parents support the school blindly...this could not help the kids's development but just hinder their future

hadwinboy | 2013-11-21 00:57
Quote:原帖由 skkeung 於 13-11-20 發表

hadwinboy | 2013-11-21 01:00
Quote:原帖由 WKDRB 於 13-11-20 發表

其次,要對貴校一些不合理的教學 ...
多謝賜教. 唔好意思,我實在沒有時間再討論下去,你慢慢吧. You win :gdbye:

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