請問有誰瞭解superkids education center

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ccc_chan_ccc | 2014-03-27 20:22
ya schools already have enough workload....don't want a centre to add workload to my kids...superkids also has exams too...that is also a pressure..

carekids | 2014-03-27 20:54
回覆 ccc_chan_ccc 的帖子 yes! I also heard that there's one in Kowloon City which also runs pretty similar..

tws2010 | 2014-03-27 22:59
回覆 ccc_chan_ccc 的帖子 Yes, of course. My kid was not given a chance for interview back to 4 years ago. My neighbour's kid also not studying in top and famous school, but still got a chance. I wonder how the centre make judgement.

smallfoothk | 2014-03-28 10:02
carekids | 2014-03-28 11:48
then i would prefer the experienced centre in kowloon city...
at least they wouldn't only accept high grade kids.........and reject the others..

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