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guoguo | 2004-03-30 11:43
仔仔今年報讀k1在victoria kindergarten, 想希望能夠在小一時可考讀聖若瑟小學, 不知道在k2轉讀 st. joseph kindergarten 彧繼續在victoria 讀至K3, 才考聖若瑟小學比較容易入讀呢? 仔仔的爸爸是St.Joseph 的old boys.

有無家長的大仔現在就讀St. Joseph 小學呢 ? 之前係唔係也在st. joseph kindergarten 讀呢 ? 還想知道st.joseph kindergarten 是不是多功課及好深呢 ? 希望各位請指教 ???
:-? :-?
MYma | 2004-03-30 16:27
我個仔係St. Joseph's 讀緊 K3, 小學已經收返佢啦!
我覺得K2已經轉讀St. Joseph's會比較好啲, 因為我聽St. Joseph's個小一入學講座時, 小學校長話每年佢都會盡量收返所有St. Joseph's Kindergarten 的學生。

再加上, St. Joseph's 啲功課都算幾深, 開頭我個仔入讀果陣我都覺得會唔會深咗啲呀, 要求又高喎, 但係依兩年我覺得個仔真係學多咗好多嘢,而佢暫時都應付到。我諗如果其他小朋友讀緊的Kindergarten是活動教學, 我相信就算入到小學佢都會好辛苦, 同唔習慣呀!


guoguo | 2004-03-30 17:02
多謝你的意見, 真的幫到我解決我及我先生的問題.

我揀選Victoria是因為想仔仔可以開開心心去返學, 同埋可以一邊玩一邊學. 唔好對返學有反感.
我還想知道現在你的仔仔返學開不開心, 多唔多功課, 需唔需要同佢溫書, (k2& k3咁細個, 需唔需不斷同佢溫習), 因為我要返工, 平日是菲傭take care. 怕返工回來才幫佢溫習唔夠時間. 你平時點樣幫仔仔, 可唔可以比小小心得我呢? 多謝你的指教.

緊張人 guoguo :-) :-o
MYma | 2004-03-30 18:15
我仔仔每日會有兩樣功課, 多數是寫字, 中文字都幾深, 而家K3已經寫 "身體, 蝴蝶, 樹木等", 而英文就係K2會寫大楷A-Z, K3就寫小楷a-z同串字, 而家學咗one-ten, book, ruler; 數學方面就寫1-100, 單雙數同簡單加數. 每星期要默一次中文及一次英文.

平時我都要返工, 但就係我媽咪幫我照顧, 暫時我媽咪仲可以睇吓佢啲功課, 因為主要係寫字, 而我就主要同佢温英文, 因為除咗寫字外, 英文要背詩, 同要認字 (如hand, head, doctor,etc). 暫時仲未需要日日温書, 但我會有時當玩吓咁問吓佢啲字, 叫佢唱吓學校啲歌比我聽, 就順便叫佢背吓首詩比我聽. 而每次佢大部份都記得, 所以我估學校教得幾好. 不過每年有兩次考試 (好以小學咁), 果陣我就會正正經經咁同佢温書喇.

暫時尚算應付到 (包括大人及小朋友), 但我都好擔心小學果陣唔知得唔得呀? :-?
bnmami | 2004-03-31 12:33
Hi MYma,

I am interested to know how the interview of St. Joseph Kindergarten will be as I plan to apply for my son.

bnmami :-)
ngyw | 2004-03-31 16:35
Dear MYma,
你好!有些問題想請教你。St. Joseph幼稚園的學生真的可以大部分直升St. Joseph小學嗎?

St. Joseph 小學是津校,小一學額不是要經”自行”和”統一”派位派出去的嗎?小學校長怎樣盡量收回所有幼稚園生?抑或校長有甚麼特別方法,可以收回他們?對唔住呀!一連串問咁多問題.

如我想替兒子報讀St. Joseph幼稚園2004年9月的K2班,你知不知道它們還有學位嗎?

hhmami | 2004-04-01 12:09
Hi guoguo,

我仔仔今年係聖若瑟讀 P.2,他三年幼稚園都係讀 Victoria。想當年我都有打算K2讓他轉讀 St Joseph Kindergarten,報名表都交了,但最後都沒有去interview。

因我考慮清楚,我阿仔是一個好活躍、經常坐不定的小朋友,所以 Victoria 的活動式教學較為適合他。雖然Victoria 是活動式教學,但由K2下學期開始和K3,每天都有中、英和數,其中兩樣功課(除了做 Project 其間,約兩星期)。還有定期中、英文 ”文字小博士”,即是默書。而每學期亦有評估(她們不叫考試),但我沒有特別幫他温書,因背誦的部份不多,大部份評估內容是靠理解,只須小朋友平時上堂吸收到先生的教授,就不會有太大問題。

(註:我阿仔是 Victoria 2002 的畢業生,以上資料可能不 update,因學校的教學方針或方法在呢一兩年可能有變。If my info is not the most update one, please correct me. Thanks!)

St Joseph Kindergarten 是一間較為傳統式教學的幼稚園,在這間學校出來的小朋友紀律和禮貌都好好,因為我接觸過阿仔D由 St Joseph Kindergarten 升上 St Joseph Primary School 的同學。至於功課的程度和數量,因我不太清楚,恕不便給意見。

其實,另一原因當年不打算讓阿仔K2轉校是因為見他在 Victoria 讀得好開心,好enjoy 返學,咁費事第二年又要他適應新的環境。In my own opinion,現在D小朋友 at least 要讀12年書(i.e. 3yrs of kindergarten,6 yrs of primary school & 3 yrs secondary school – 9年免費教育);如計埋讀大學,仲有至少7年。所以,我寧願 kindergarten 果3年讓他及我自己開開心心,輕輕鬆鬆咁渡過。到了升上小學,爸爸媽媽就要同仔女們並肩作戰。


係呢,你先生是St Joseph Primary School 定係 St Joseph College的old boys?If he is old boys of St Joseph Primary School,under the current 小一自行收生方法,your son can have 10 points for 父母或兄姊為該小學的畢業生 in Part I. Your son has advantage of other students.

Any other question, please feel free to discuss.

| 2004-04-01 14:42
My son also studies in the K3 Bilingual International Class (Putonghau/English) of Victoria Kindergarten this year. Hhmami is correct. The school policy of Victoria has been changing a lot for this year. Having said that, the strongest aspects of Victoria are that their students have a very high aptitude for communicating English with foreigners. Their reading and writing skills of their students are also very high. Their students' English standards, in my opinion, should be highly above the average standards of other kindergartens in Hong Kong. Since my son has been studying in Putonghau/English Class for 3 years, his proficiency in listening and speaking Putonghua is also very high. The strongest aspect of Victoria is that all the teachers who teach in the international classes are native English/Putonghua speakers. Since Victoria adopts activity base mode of teaching, their students are very creative and like going to schools. Their students are "active" but I don't think that the discipline of their students is poor.

As far as I can observe, the weak point of Victoria's students may be that their students' ability in writing Chinese may not be so high as compared with traditional kindergartens like St. Joseph Kindergarten, Kent Villa, etc. In view of that, the top management of Victoria has changed the school policy a lot in particular for this academic year with a view to strengthening their students' skill and ability in writing Chinese characters in particular for K3 level and hoping. Under the new language policy, the school hopes that their students can have a smooth transition to most of the local primary schools without difficulty. I can see that my son needs to do dictation twice a week apart from usual Chinese homework. The standard of the Chinese words is quite high as compared with traditional kindergartens. Actually, I am delighting and very satisfied with the school in particular for their clear bilingual and tri-literacy language policy.

St. Joseph Primary School is also one of my targeting schools for my son. Since Victoria English Primary Division (Causeway) has accepted my son to study the P. 2 class directly in 04/05 academic year having considered his academic excellence and psychological maturity, I will most probably let him study there.

Victoria Primary Division now adopts the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum with particular emphasis in bilingual and tri-literacy language policy. All the primary school teachers are native English/Putonghua speakers. The school is now constructing a brand new Private Independent Primary cum Secondary School in Shum Wan (Island School). The new school will open in September 2006 according to the construction programme. You can visit their website for more information regarding the new school and the school's curricula and programme.


guoguo | 2004-04-01 17:08
Dear HHmami,

多謝你的意見, 我亦同意你的說法. 我們生的小孩不多, 當然希望仔仔能有一個快樂的學校生活, 我亦相信victoria 的活動式教學, 仔仔一定會開心, 又唔會嚇驚佢. 但St. joseph is a traditional school, 會用以前我讀書時坐定定的方式去教, 又要默書及背詩, 我聽到都覺得驚驚地. 但我亦担心從Victoria 轉上P1, 小朋友追唔上St. Joseph 的程度. 我Husband 是St.Joseph 中小學的old boys, 佢怕派不到位到P1 at SJ, 好多位都比哂kindergarten的學生; 同埋佢認為小朋友要谷下. 但我最怕嚇怕個仔, 一聰到返學就驚, 感就慘. 如果SJ Primary 收緊我個仔, 我一定比佢係victoria 讀完先到SJ讀小學, 等佢開心多幾年及先對讀書無抭拒先及打好英文的基礎. ;-)
hhmami | 2004-04-02 03:56
Dear guoguo,

原來 your husband are old boys of both of SJPS & SJC,under current 小一自行收生方法,你仔仔入讀 SJPS 的 chance 都好大。

我阿仔當年是以 20 points (5 points for 首名出生子女 in Part I, 5 points for 與該校的辨學團體有相同的宗教信仰 - 天主教 in Part II and 10 points for 適齡兒童 in Part III) 加 lucky (因為好多小朋友都有 20 points,所以最後有可能要抽籤)係自行收生果 around入到SJ。

Assume 到你仔仔選P.1時,仍然用緊 current 計分方法,咁他 at least 都有 20 points (10 points for 父母或兄姊為該小學的畢業生 in Part I and 10 points for 適齡兒童 in Part III). 如果你仔仔又係天主教徒,咁他仲有5 points for 宗教信仰 in Part II , then your son will have 25 points totally. 以呢個 points ,入SJPS 的 chance 就好大好大。

至於你話怕好多位會比哂SJK的學生,in fact under the current P.1 自行收生 policy,係計分數;冇話讀邊間 kindergarten 就一定入到邊間官津 primary school。大家覺得好多SJK boys can go into SJPS,其實這此 boys, 有部份的哥哥係 SJPS 的 current students, so SJPS 要必收他們。又或者D小朋友係首名出生子女 & 天主教徒 (same as my son),又或者 like you son, father is old boys of SJPS,咁他們的 chance 都好大。

至於功課程度方面,以 Victoria 的 current teaching policy, I think it should be no problem when your son 轉上 SJ P1 from Victoria. In fact, SJPS 的程度不是想像中咁深,at least it is OK for my son & me for these 2 years. 但我曾經聽過D過來人話,到高小 (i.e. P4-P6) 你就知味道 (i.e. 功課開始深)。But on the other hand, 好多有經驗的家長 (not only SJ 家長)話,if your kids can be trained up to handle their studies & homework independently during P1 to P3, then both of the kids & parents will be 輕鬆 D in future.

Hope my information are helpful for you. Pls feel free to discuss if any question.

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