售小學課本/練習/Reading Books

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ToyoTang | 2010-07-23 12:02
(90%) @$8一本 HK$70 (全部 10)I'm going to read (Level 1) In a Scary Old House - SterlingI'm going to read (Level 1) Can you play ? - SterlingI'm going to read (Level 1) I'm Going to Boston to visit the DucksI'm going to read (Level 2) Good Dog, Rover - SterlingNew Welcome to English Fun Reader 2A - LongmanNew Welcome to English Fun Reader 3A - LongmanMummy, where is my …? - Addison Wesley LongmanThe greedy puppy - Modern Educational
The Brane Tin solider - Modern Educational
My First Phonics 2 - Greenfield P.4 來說普通話(第三版) - 教育 @$15 (80%)Primary Longman Express Pupil's Book 1A @$15 (70%)Primary Longman Express Pupil's Book 2B @$15 (80%)每日溫習系列-中英數常普模擬試卷4下- 眾課堂 $20(全新) 原價$50現代21世紀小學暑期作業 4 5 - $10 (全新) 原價$20Longman English Handwriting Book
3, 4
- @$5 一本 (全新) 老夫子彩色卡通漫畫- 香港版(月刊)(No. 28,31-34, 36, 41, 46, 48, 50, 53, 55, 62,83, 86, 89, 91, 95, 102, 106, 113)
(~90%) @$8一本 HK$150 (全部 21)原價 @$25 一本 [td=1,1,367]~6:00pm (Mon-Fri) 柴灣/佐敦地鐵站交收有興趣的話請 PM , Thanks.

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