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lost.34 | 2017-07-16 13:21
[i=s] 本帖最後由 lost.34 於 23-11-19 20:57 編輯 [/i] ~~注意~~

啟思(初中/高中)文言讀本 已於(2#)詳述
聖經新譯本(學生版)第二版 環球聖經公會 (已售)
$45 8-9成新 ISBN:978-988-8018-40-6
Matilda (Penguin Readers Level 3) ISBN 9781405876766 Roald Dahl Penguin
$30 有鉛筆跡 原子筆寫名 7成新
Stories of Courage (Penguin Active Level 3) ISBN:9781405852166 Clare Swain. Penguin
$30 5頁原子筆跡 7-8成新
The Last Polar Bears Harry Horse Puffin
$30 小量瑩光筆 內頁原子筆寫名已塗改 6成新
Journey of Music (For Secondary Schools)Book 1(with complimentary cd)K.H.Ma. Excellence
$50 兩頁鉛筆 微量原子筆和塗改液 7成新
Grammar in Context Book 3 Richard Eng Rivera
$25 用鉛筆做 8成新
Discovering English 3 Reading,Grammar Plus Composition (2nd Ed.) John & Martin Precise
$35 用鉛筆做 有3頁原子筆做和寫名 2頁塗塗改液 無CD 7-8成新
English Grammar for Junior Forms Paul Hill Manley
$30 有幾頁鉛筆寫過 內頁原子筆寫名 75%新
Developing Sklls: Grammar & Usage for Junior Secondary Learners(Set B) 3C HarrisAristo $40 7成新 用鉛筆做 課本底部有輕微水跡(已售)
Grammar Explained 1(2nd Ed)(with Ans) J.Potter Longmam
$50 練習已做(鉛筆) 8-9成新
新視覺藝術系列7 視覺探知館-評賞 李桂芳 精工 (已售)
$30 輕微原子筆和瑩光筆highlight 內頁好新 表皮邊和角位有些披口
新視覺藝術系列 6 創意展商機-視覺傳達設計 李桂芳 精工
$30 7成新 只係鉛筆做過1條題目 簿皮有啲殘但內頁好新淨
朗文通識教育: 身份認同(附工作紙) 梁秉恩 朗文
$40 8成新 有鉛筆寫過 工作紙冇做過
說好普通話 中三 核心單元 第二版 附學生自學光碟 初中普通話編寫委員會 香港教育圖書
$30 7成新 鉛筆跡,少量原子筆,瑩光筆
動感普通話 中二 (校本版) 全玉莉、王仙瀛 精工
$25 5成新 原子筆跡
中國歷史1 (2009年版) (隨書附送學習光碟1)黃家楝、羅國潤、 譚松壽、陳志華 現代教育
$50 6成新 有鉛筆跡和highlight
中國歷史2 (2009年版) (隨書附送學習光碟2)譚松壽、羅國潤、黃家楝、陳志華 現代教育
$50 6成新 有鉛筆跡和highlight
New Journey Through History 1A (With CD-Rom) Nelson YY Kan et al Aristo
$40 5成新 有筆跡和highlight
New Journey Through History 1B (With CD-Rom) Nelson YY Kan et al Aristo
$40 5成新 有筆跡和少許highlight
New Journey Through History 2A Nelson YY Kan et al Aristo
$40 5成新 有筆跡和highlight
Home Economics
Technology & Living Home Economics SA 1 (1st 2008) Chan & Liu et al SKY Edu
$40 9成新 只有2頁用鉛筆寫過
Technology & Living Home Economics SA 1 (1st 2008) Chan & Liu et al SKY Edu
$30 9成新 冇寫過
Technology & Living Home Economics SB(1st 2008) Chan & Liu et al SKY Edu
$30 9成新 冇寫過
Interactive Geograghy 1A (with CD-Rom) Mak, Tse& Siu Aristo
$35 7成新 有筆跡和highlight
Interactive Geography Book 2A (with CD-Rom) 2007 Mak, Tse& Siu Aristo
$35 4成新 原子筆和highlight

Issue-Enquiry Series for Junior Forms Section 1: How Do We Know Where We Are? Mak Ka Bun, Tse Sui Fai, Siu Wai Lok Aristo
$5 7成新 有筆跡
Issue-Enquiry Series for Junior Forms Section 2: Scramble for Land Mak Ka Bun, Tse Sui Fai, Siu Wai Lok Aristo
$5 5成新 有筆跡同highlight
Issue-Enquiry Series for Junior Forms Section 6: Where to Spend Our Holidays? Mak Ka Bun, Tse Sui Fai, Siu Wai Lok Aristo
$5 8成新 只有鉛筆跡
Issue-Enquiry Series for Junior Forms Section 7: Weather and Climate -Do They Matter? Mak Ka Bun, Tse Sui Fai, Siu Wai Lok Aristo
$5 7成新 有筆跡和highlight
Issue-Enquiry Series for Junior Forms Section 8: Collapsing Slopes! Mak Ka Bun, Tse Sui Fai, Siu Wai Lok Aristo
$5 6成新 有原子筆和highlight
Issue-Enquiry Series for Junior Forms Section 9: Too much water! Mak Ka Bun, Tse Sui Fai, Siu Wai Lok Aristo
$5 7成新 有筆跡和highlight
Issue-Enquiry Series for Junior Forms Section 10: Taming the Spreading Deserts Mak Ka Bun, Tse Sui Fai, Siu Wai Lok Aristo
$5 7成新 有鉛筆跡
Issue-Enquiry Series for Junior Forms Section 11: The Unstable Earth Mak Ka Bun, Tse Sui Fai, Siu Wai Lok Aristo
$5 6成新 有鉛跡和highlight
Issue-Enquiry Series for Junior Forms Section 13: Too Many and too Few Mak Ka Bun, Tse Sui Fai, Siu Wai Lok Aristo
$5 7成新 少許鉛筆跡 有highlight
Issue-Enquiry Series for Junior Forms Section 14: Saving our rainforest! Mak Ka Bun, Tse Sui Fai, Siu Wai Lok Aristo
$5 6成新 有鉛筆跡和highlight
Issue-Enquiry Series for Junior Forms Section 15: Oceans in trouble Mak Ka Bun, Tse Sui Fai, Siu Wai Lok Aristo
$5 6成新 有鉛筆跡和highlight
Issue-Enquiry Series for Junior Forms Section 19: The rich and the poor Mak Ka Bun, Tse Sui Fai, Siu Wai Lok Aristo
$5 8成新 只用鉛筆寫過幾隻字

土瓜灣∕ 土瓜灣站交收,有意pm

lost.34 | 2017-07-17 18:03
[i=s] 本帖最後由 lost.34 於 20-8-5 15:02 編輯 [/i] 大致如下:
初中:8成新 共41個練習16個已做(鉛筆、兩個原筆字)、Total 150頁48頁已做、邊有水跡
高中:9成以上新 共41個練習15個已做(鉛筆)、Total 172頁45頁已做

lost.34 | 2017-07-18 20:08
lost.34 | 2017-07-19 19:25
lost.34 | 2017-07-20 20:48
lost.34 | 2017-07-21 15:58
lost.34 | 2017-07-22 11:31
lost.34 | 2017-07-23 13:52
lost.34 | 2017-07-24 11:17
lost.34 | 2017-07-25 19:04
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