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nicholasmom | 2010-12-02 23:58
Quote:原帖由 mar123 於 10-12-2 21:01 發表

Hello, Nicholas mum, it is been long time not seeing you here. As mentioned by the Principle, there will be at least a class of Band 2 students if they still take 5 classes. Therefore, the 校蓳會se ...

No idea how the band 2 student go into SFXC. Just heard from the vice-principle (principle now) last year in a chat after a gathering that 8X% of SFXC F.1 student(last year) were band 1 student.
ennatommy | 2010-12-10 17:59

小兒是小六 band 2 生, 但他是管弦樂成員, 請問有冇机会入聖芳濟 ?? 很担心 ?? 請比 D 意見 thanks
mar123 | 2010-12-15 20:43
The Vice Principal has just confirmed to take 4 classes of F1 students in coming year. I think it is good for the school but it is a bad news for those band 1 primary 6 students in TST and Mongkok because in the same Wah Yin will cut certain amount of F1 students as well.
terencemak | 2010-12-16 21:15
Great! it is really a good news!
nicholasmom | 2010-12-18 14:13
Quote:原帖由 mar123 於 10-12-15 20:43 發表
The Vice Principal has just confirmed to take 4 classes of F1 students in coming year. I think it is good for the school but it is a bad news for those band 1 primary 6 students in TST and Mongkok bec ...

mar123 | 2010-12-20 14:19
Quote:原帖由 nicholasmom 於 10-12-18 14:13 發表


Dear Nicholasmom,
As quoted by my son during the morning assembly, he was told by the Vice Principal in public the school is going to cut one class to 4 classes. May be my son was misunderstanding whether the school is confirmed or not.Anyway, I think the school is going to cut no matter the comments by the parents.
nicholasmom | 2010-12-20 23:05
Quote:原帖由 mar123 於 10-12-20 14:19 發表

Dear Nicholasmom,
As quoted by my son during the morning assembly, he was told by the Vice Principal in public the school is going to cut one class to 4 classes. May be my son was misunderstanding wh ...

I believe the Vice Principle is talking that the school is seeking the opinion from parents. However, I do agree that no matter the result is what else, the school already have their own decision.

By the way, have you filled in the reply form? FYI, I have choosed "For".
mar123 | 2010-12-21 12:06
Quote:原帖由 nicholasmom 於 10-12-20 23:05 發表

I believe the Vice Principle is talking that the school is seeking the opinion from parents. However, I do agree that no matter the result is what else, the school already have their own decision.

I also support to cut to 4 classses as well since it is good for the to manage only band 1 students.
小孩子的天空 | 2010-12-22 01:24
Depend on which position you stand for.

It will spend more resources to the current students. This is good news for our kids.

Most of boys are going to mature after 14 yrs old. May be they will reach the level after F.3. Cut the chance is unfair for them.
小孩子的天空 | 2010-12-22 01:25
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