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mar123 | 2010-12-31 20:41
Could anybody give comment how to prepare the exam on next week. Is it work to have more practises on the past papers?
kakabbbb | 2011-01-02 00:43
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terencemak | 2011-01-02 10:05
中一變四班不一定吸引全band one 生入讀,但若果本區全band one 學校都 cut 到四班,或全港 band one 校都推行 cut 班,我相信這會給 band one 中至尾的家長和學生帶來壓力,甚至區與區之間學生選校會較保守和謹慎。
如果我沒有觀察錯誤,SFXC 的學生很多來自它區,現有 band one 生大多來自「自行收生」,它區 band one 邊students 可透過此制度進入本校;這亦使「抽簽」制進入本校的家長構成壓力,即 band one 生想入讀,在自行收生報讀失敗,可於統一派位中把本校填第一志願才有機會。
小兒已參予本校考試兩年,成績中游,發覺此校試卷內容多樣化,要考到高成績確實要付出代價〔時間和精力〕,除非學生天資優厚,否則勤奮是合格的基本要本,腦筋須靈活,必須做 pass paper,平日多閱報,還需善用各科用語去回答各科試題。
以上祇是本人愚見,還望賜教。小兒在 academic 方面沒有突出表現,而且仍在努力中。希望 sfxc 家長多多支持學校。
nicholasmom | 2011-01-02 11:03
Quote:原帖由 mar123 於 10-12-31 20:41 發表
Could anybody give comment how to prepare the exam on next week. Is it work to have more practises on the past papers?

Just a freinedly reminder for you.

The marking scheme follows the HKCEE. It gives marks on every single step. I told my son last year to write down every step clearly but he agrue that the teacher is not like that when he/she wrote on the blackboard. As a result, he lost many marks.

Moreover, if you boy is not amoung the smartest group, he will not have enough time to finish the paper. So, be careful to select which question to answer first.
mar123 | 2011-01-02 11:24
Nicholasmom and Terence,

Thank you for your comments. In fact, I found that the pass paper is very difficult and it is not easy for a F1 student to score high marks.

By the way, I just don't know how to help my son to prepare for the exam of Chinese 2A閱讀理解. Can you give comment?

Have a healthy and perspective new year 2011 to you !!!
nicholasmom | 2011-01-03 12:25
Quote:原帖由 mar123 於 11-1-2 11:24 發表
Nicholasmom and Terence,

Thank you for your comments. In fact, I found that the pass paper is very difficult and it is not easy for a F1 student to score high marks.

By the way, I just don't know ho ...

I do agree that the F.1 paper last year is dificult as compared with other school. However, according to my son's info, the highest score in nearly all subject is over 9X, some of the even 99 or 100. For example,

PTH 99
Chinese History 99 (1 mark deducted for 錯筆劃 in 1 word)
Maths 100
mar123 | 2011-01-09 14:00
terencemak | 2011-01-09 20:28
Quote:原帖由 mar123 於 11-1-9 14:00 發表

慘不忍睹 , 陪跑份子 !
mar123 | 2011-01-12 20:57


Good Luck!
mar123 | 2011-01-14 16:18
Thank God the subject of math exam is finished!

By the way, my son said he could not finish all questions(miss 2 out of 12). He has already practised the passpaper repeatly but still could not score high marks(I image). Is this exam paper is too difficult for a F.1 student?
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