mar123 | 2010-12-31 20:41 |
Could anybody give comment how to prepare the exam on next week. Is it work to have more practises on the past papers? |
kakabbbb | 2011-01-02 00:43 |
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terencemak | 2011-01-02 10:05 |
中一變四班不一定吸引全band one 生入讀,但若果本區全band one 學校都 cut 到四班,或全港 band one 校都推行 cut 班,我相信這會給 band one 中至尾的家長和學生帶來壓力,甚至區與區之間學生選校會較保守和謹慎。 如果我沒有觀察錯誤,SFXC 的學生很多來自它區,現有 band one 生大多來自「自行收生」,它區 band one 邊students 可透過此制度進入本校;這亦使「抽簽」制進入本校的家長構成壓力,即 band one 生想入讀,在自行收生報讀失敗,可於統一派位中把本校填第一志願才有機會。 小兒已參予本校考試兩年,成績中游,發覺此校試卷內容多樣化,要考到高成績確實要付出代價〔時間和精力〕,除非學生天資優厚,否則勤奮是合格的基本要本,腦筋須靈活,必須做 pass paper,平日多閱報,還需善用各科用語去回答各科試題。 以上祇是本人愚見,還望賜教。小兒在 academic 方面沒有突出表現,而且仍在努力中。希望 sfxc 家長多多支持學校。 :hehehe: |
nicholasmom | 2011-01-02 11:03 |
mar123 | 2011-01-02 11:24 |
Nicholasmom and Terence, Thank you for your comments. In fact, I found that the pass paper is very difficult and it is not easy for a F1 student to score high marks. By the way, I just don't know how to help my son to prepare for the exam of Chinese 2A閱讀理解. Can you give comment? Have a healthy and perspective new year 2011 to you !!! |
nicholasmom | 2011-01-03 12:25 |
mar123 | 2011-01-09 14:00 |
考試己過了一半,不知各位子弟考得如何?我的感覺是一点都不容易. |
terencemak | 2011-01-09 20:28 |
Quote:原帖由 mar123 於 11-1-9 14:00 發表 ![]() 考試己過了一半,不知各位子弟考得如何?我的感覺是一点都不容易. 慘不忍睹 , 陪跑份子 ! |
mar123 | 2011-01-12 20:57 |
各位家長, 還有两天試,望貴子弟爭取好成績. Good Luck! |
mar123 | 2011-01-14 16:18 |
Thank God the subject of math exam is finished! By the way, my son said he could not finish all questions(miss 2 out of 12). He has already practised the passpaper repeatly but still could not score high marks(I image). Is this exam paper is too difficult for a F.1 student? |