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mar123 | 2011-01-14 16:20
Thank God the last subject of math exam is finished!

By the way, my son said he could not finish all questions(miss 2 out of 12). He has already practised the passpaper repeatly but still could not score high marks(I image). Is this exam paper is too difficult for a F.1 student?
terencemak | 2011-01-15 17:44
對所有學生都感困難,遲些你囝囝收到成績表,表上會顯示每科排名,各科加起來的總分再排名,清楚知道學生在該級的表現,你囝囝遇到的問題,我相信其他同學都遇上,我F3 兒子一樣遇到考試時間不夠,只有盡力而為.
nicholasmom | 2011-01-16 11:54
Quote:原帖由 terencemak 於 11-1-15 17:44 發表
對所有學生都感困難,遲些你囝囝收到成績表,表上會顯示每科排名,各科加起來的總分再排名,清楚知道學生在該級的表現,你囝囝遇到的問題,我相信其他同學都遇上,我F3 兒子一樣遇到考試時間不夠,只有盡力而為. ...

20-2-2011 派成績表 :igiveup: [ 本帖最後由 nicholasmom 於 11-1-16 11:56 編輯 ]
mar123 | 2011-01-21 16:18
According to my son's exam result , most subjects can only be scored around 50-60marks. Could anyone tell me how to improve in the final exam.
kakabbbb | 2011-01-25 19:04
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mar123 | 2011-02-26 15:25
Many congratulations to SFXC!!!
昨日學校嬴了學界田徑D3全塲總冠軍. 明年要升呢到D2.
mar123 | 2011-05-07 21:19
terencemak | 2011-05-08 19:35
Sorry! I didn't attend this seminar, no feedback is given.
As you enjoyed this seminar and got some help to your kid, that is great:)
mar123 | 2011-05-08 21:32
Quote:原帖由 terencemak 於 11-5-8 19:35 發表
Sorry! I didn't attend this seminar, no feedback is given.
As you enjoyed this seminar and got some help to your kid, that is great:)

Dear Terence,

It's been a long time to hear from you. Anyway, nice to see you gain here.

In fact, the seminar is quite boring to listen for more than 2 hrs. Somehow, I got to learn some skills to communiate with my son.
mar123 | 2011-06-19 14:09
Dear parents,
There are 2 more days to go for the exam be finished. How is your son doing?

Good Luck to you all!!!
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