terencemak | 2011-06-23 08:03 |
There is no difference befiore and after exam, he goes on hae hae hae.... :crying: |
mar123 | 2011-06-30 19:33 |
Dear all, Could anyone tell me the A-level results of SFXC this year? Any 4A or 5A. Thanks! |
nicholasmom | 2011-06-30 23:34 |
The preliminary final exam result had been released today. How is your son? |
mar123 | 2011-07-01 11:13 |
nicholasmom | 2011-07-10 12:14 |
聽日派成績表喇. 又一年完咗喇. 聽聞今年有好多先生走. so far I know: Zinc Tsang, Mike Cheung Tse Yan Yan |
mar123 | 2011-07-10 21:21 |
mar123 | 2011-07-10 21:26 |
Nicholasmom, Do you know the results of A-level? Any 3A or 4A students? |
nicholasmom | 2011-07-11 22:46 |
No info 12345678 |
chaselam | 2011-07-30 07:56 |
朋友的兒子8月1日補考,請問這代表什麼,要留級嗎? 可以自己要求留級嗎? |
terencemak | 2011-07-30 21:29 |
SFXC 的考試有點兒深或在短時間內回答這麼多問題,確實有點困難,因而導致一大堆人不合格,尢以語言科目為甚。我不知學校如何甄選留級者,但現時因應資助限制,一級五班制該留十名左右,標準以級名次依據,補考後仍處於最後十名,便需 repeat。(推測) 聽講要求 repeat 是很困難,而且不容易,因納稅人為該生多支付一年費用。 |