gabriela0407 | 2012-01-05 01:51 |
:quiet:點解咁多日都冇人答, 係咪我問得太直接, 懶得理我呢?? |
terencemak | 2012-01-05 13:11 |
小兒並非油天,而是協和上,所以沒有即時回應;既然沒油天家長回答,讓我一舒己見。 若果由一間以中文為主的小學入讀英中,起初是較吃力,幸小兒英文和數學成績尚可,很快便適應此校,事實上幾年前是由他揀選中學,我衹在旁給意見,所以他現今仍讀得開心。 至於測驗和考試的內容一般來說是較深,見老師時亦提出此問題,他說試題是跟貼校外水平,深不深就見仁見智,所以考生須付出一定努力才得高分,而且拿得高分者大有人在。 若果對成績有要求而智慧非高超的學生,一定辛苦,事實上考得全級前幾+名的學生成績都不錯,要跟他們競爭,難度高。而且在香港讀書,本來係咁,讀書會很辛苦,依教育遊戲規則玩嘛。 SFX 的校風很好,很多學生畢業後都不捨得,好有歸屬感! |
gabriela0407 | 2012-01-15 03:08 |
terencemak , 多謝你的回覆, 我明白升中學後成績會是新境況, 不會像小學咁輕輕鬆鬆可能次次高分, 但求合格都萬幸了, 我因何表明校名問係有原因的. 不過都知在此提問只是多餘, 校友作風如此, 見慣不怪. 望各方可提供多些資訊讓其他家長可了解多些啦. 謝謝. |
小孩子的天空 | 2012-01-16 17:15 |
其實哪一間小學升上來不是太大影響,重點是英文的能力較好的話,讀各科時不用死背硬記,只記KEY WORDS然後用自己的文字寫出來便可,如要高分是要三者具備=努力+語文能力+用心上課。現在請孩子多看YOUNG POST和STORY BOOK,升到哪一所中學都有莫大的益處。 |
jimjimjim | 2012-01-16 23:22 |
回復 gabriela0407 的帖子
2011年中一入學 聖芳濟開4班中一收生有約一半係BAND 2學生 所以我覺得都唔會太辛苦 佢地0個D咩正負增值所有既科都係負增值 岩岩今年數學中四全級得3%合格率 所以都唔會太辛苦 最辛苦可能係佢地都好多野玩 見佢地成日都玩到好夜 功課唔多 而且好多人欠功課 |
jimjimjim | 2012-01-16 23:23 |
加多句 近年好多老師走左 教得好既都自己走 同新校長有幾大關係就唔知了 但好既老師唔教走去第二D BAND1學校唔見得對學生好 |
tocan | 2012-01-18 14:31 |
Quote:jimjimjim 發表於 12-1-16 23:23 ![]() 加多句 近年好多老師走左 教得好既都自己走 我覺得你似乎想追擊這學校多於你想問讀唔讀得過這校! |
vincentchiu888 | 2012-01-19 03:22 |
回復 jimjimjim 的帖子
No one will believe you as I know and am sure that SFXC's academic result is the best in its school net, at least in these few years. You can find it out easily if you try to google it. But I still will choose WY as 1st choice and SFXC as 2nd choice. It is because WY has fewer pressure of homework. My sister 's son who is studying in WY said he simply plays hard in different activities and find school life very enjoyable and meaningful. Of course, academic performance may give some way but I think it is worthwhile to be so. As far as I know, some WY alumni already complained the school's loose control over their students' academic performance and the dropping of the public exam result in these years, lagging far behind its competiitor. Therefore I think the new principal of WY will reconsider his policy. Maybe the only weak point of SFXC is the small school building. Does anybody have the result of last year WY's public exam? Anyway, both schools are my cup of tea. I do not hesitate to recommend these two schools to parents of the same school net. |
jimjimjim | 2012-01-20 20:04 |
回復 tocan 的帖子
我只係把部份我朋友同我講既野講出黎姐... 你諗多左了..... 佢教左咁耐佢講既野我信架... 佢為咩要呃我? 問下D經歷過BROTHER年代, 袁SIR年代同依家個校長既學生/ 老師啦 問D FORM1, 2 既佢地都未知真係入面發生左咩事有幾多唔同 收到近一半BAND2係事實 多左好老師自己走又係事實 學生成績差左都係事實 數學科呢D男仔應該叻D既野都好多人唔合格呀 不過聽左大家分析之後, 仔仔真係應該報番男校唔使同女仔爭會真係穩陣D |
nicholasmom | 2012-01-25 21:26 |
[i=s] 本帖最後由 nicholasmom 於 12-1-25 21:26 編輯 [/i]
Quote:vincentchiu888 發表於 12-1-19 03:22 回復 jimjimjim 的帖子 No one will believe you as I know and am sure that SFXC's academic result is ... |