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nicholasmom | 2012-01-25 22:17
Quote:jimjimjim 發表於 12-1-16 23:22
回復 gabriela0407 的帖子


中四全級得3%合格率? 有無人可証實?

小孩子的天空 | 2012-01-28 18:50
nicholasmom | 2012-01-29 22:52
Quote:小孩子的天空 發表於 12-1-28 18:50
教統局規定中一要收了15%BAND2生,便需開一班中文授課的班級。未聽聞本校需開中文授課班,勿人云亦云。 ...

The Game rule is that it need to have over 85% top 40% student in one class to have an Eng class. In order word, if there is over 15% bottom 60% student, the school cannot be pure EMI school. However, there may be Band 2 student in the Top 40%(Band 1 means top 33%, top 34% to top 40% is part of Band 2). Moreover, the review is only taken once every 5 years. The last review is 2 years ago. So even there is not sufficient top 40% student at this moment, the school will not be downgraded immediately. Similarly, your won't see any other school downgraded this year or next year.

However, as the school had already cut one F.1 class to avoid too many Band 2 intake. I don't believe that half of the F.1 students are Band 2 students.

jimjimjim | 2012-01-29 23:23
回復 nicholasmom 的帖子 學生好公開咁講
jimjimjim | 2012-01-29 23:24
回復 nicholasmom 的帖子 開唔開中文班唔係睇今年收生
佢CUT一班會唔會都係想唔使開中文班? 希望可以收少D BAND2~?

jimjimjim | 2012-01-29 23:25
回復 小孩子的天空 的帖子 本校? 你係學生? 老師?
mar123 | 2012-01-31 15:32
回復 jimjimjim 的帖子 I think you got wrong information about SFXC regarding the percentage of band 1 students. In tst and mongkok district, there are only four band 1 schools to take male students. In the same time, SFXC had already cut to 4 classes and only had around 80 places in 统一派位. Therefore, it seems not possible to have more than 20 band 2 students to get into SFXC.

I think Nicholas Mum know the appr. figures and 3 to 4 years ago even you put SFXC in second place in 統一派位cannot secure the place even if you were band 1 student.

jimjimjim | 2012-02-02 21:06
回復 mar123 的帖子 但SFXC校長點解要同老師們講40幾%的中一生係BAND2?

jimjimjim | 2012-02-02 21:07
3, 4年前唔係依家既校長 而且3, 4年前有老師走係因學校唔要佢地 依家D老師走係因為老師唔要學校 你可以諗到間學校咩事? 我覺得你唔可以拎3, 4年前既情況同11-12年比較

tocan | 2012-02-03 10:22
回復 jimjimjim 的帖子 此版目的是讓各間中學的家長組織起來

我覺得你這位家長真的有問題, 我不知你和SFXC 有什麼有瓜葛, 每所學校都有好有唔好, 你最初是問人意見讀唔讀得過, 好像不太認識這學校, 漸漸你就不知不覺地表明你好像對SFXC內部很熟識, 而且不斷指出學校的不是, 你的居心何在呢? 我身為SFXC 學生家長對這校是絕對放心, 而且看過redkoni 在"升中點滴一二" 無私的分析每所學校的公開試成績及大學入學率, 我對這校就更信任, 請不要再自問自答.
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