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tocan | 2012-03-27 17:55
jimjimjim | 2012-03-29 19:27
回復 JoJo 的帖子 我先謝過你的提示。不過,既然我曾提出的是事實,也絶不存任何假話。
例如:2011~12的中一有百分之四十左右是band 2是事實

jimjimjim | 2012-03-29 19:34
回復 ch1970 的帖子  明明未有縮班 為何你要講大話?為何你要屈我? 2011~12 比2010~11多1班

mar123 | 2012-03-29 23:29
回復 jimjimjim 的帖子 Please do not cause trouble here. It is not true there are more classes in 2011-12 than 2010-11!!!
mar123 | 2012-03-29 23:36
回復 mar123 的帖子 Jimjimjim,

What's the problemyou have with SFXC? Why you are so against this school? Can you tell us the fact and may be we can reflect to the management of the school.

tocan | 2012-03-30 15:53
[i=s] 本帖最後由 tocan 於 12-3-30 16:26 編輯 [/i] Quote:jimjimjim 發表於 12-3-29 19:34
回復 ch1970 的帖子

 明明未有縮班 為何你要講大話?為何你要屈我? 2011~12 比2010~11多1班

唔知點解每次見到你的留言都想。。。。, 你咁唔中意, 唔好選SFXC啦,我覺得應該唔適合你ga!, 你應該去些頂級名校。:wahaha: 
heyhey2005 | 2012-03-30 17:22
Quote:原帖由 jimjimjim 於 12-03-29 發表
回復 ch1970 的帖子  明明未有縮班 為何你要講大話?為何你要屈我? 2011~12 比2010~11多1班

nicholasmom | 2012-03-30 22:12
[i=s] 本帖最後由 nicholasmom 於 12-3-30 22:17 編輯 [/i] Although I don't agree with the attitude and the comments from Jimjimjim. However, please note some point he is telling are facts.

1. There are only 7 students in the whole F.4 who can get a pass in Maths in the mid-term exam of current year.
2. There 32 classes in the year 2011-2012 (4 F.1, 5 F.2, 5 F.3, 5 F.4, 5 F.5, 5 F.6 3 F.7), versus 31 classes in the year 2010-2011 (5 F.1, 5 F.2, 5 F.3, 5 F.4, 5 F.5, 3 F.6, 3 F.7). Next year will be 28 classes.
ch1970 | 2012-03-31 00:24
Quote:nicholasmom 發表於 12-3-30 22:12
Although I don't agree with the attitude and the comments from Jimjimjim. However, please note some ...
mar123 | 2012-03-31 15:15
回復 nicholasmom 的帖子 Nicholasmom,
You are right! I miscalculate the total no. of classes of 2010-11 & 2011-12. I just compare the no. of classes of F.1 students between the 2 years.

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