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mar123 | 2010-07-23 14:21
Quote:原帖由 小孩子的天空 於 10-7-23 02:23 發表
吓!連LI D 分班用GE TEST都計落考試到:dizzy:


I guess most kids are not self motivated and you are the one to monitor him. As long as he is lagging
behind too much, he should be easily get used to this school.
mar123 | 2010-07-27 10:57
Dear all,

Please give your valuable comments and keep this forum active.

Best regards,
小孩子的天空 | 2010-07-29 10:21
Quote:原帖由 mar123 於 10-7-27 10:57 發表
Dear all,

Please give your valuable comments and keep this forum active.

Best regards,


nicholasmom | 2010-07-29 13:37
Quote:原帖由 小孩子的天空 於 10-7-29 10:21 發表


中一暑期課程到明天便完結,而科學及數學已經測過驗,不過成績還未派,但小兒說測驗很難,老師說有多人不合格。小兒說在小學時奧數得金獎的同學也不合格....我想...是不是學校的策略?想小朋友明白到升上中學後,唸書 ...

呢間學校程度是很高的,每次考試,各科都有1/3至1/2人肥佬,當然亦有人攞九十幾一百分,連煲東瓜(有會話及演講)都有人攞一百分. 小兒也有同學在小學時奧數得金獎數學也不合格.

要小心的是係D先生平時要求好低,例如數學衹會要求你寫個答案系書,但考試時會跟足HKCEE咁改卷(答案衹係得一兩分).我同個仔講答題目要點點點點.佢成日話先生上堂時都唔係咁.俾佢激死! [ 本帖最後由 nicholasmom 於 10-7-29 15:12 編輯 ]
mar123 | 2010-07-29 21:16
Quote:原帖由 nicholasmom 於 10-7-29 13:37 發表

呢間學校程度是很高的,每次考試,各科都有1/3至1/2人肥佬,當然亦有人攞九十幾一百分,連煲東瓜(有會話及演講)都有人攞一百分. 小兒也有同學在小學時奧數得金獎數學也不合格.

要小心的是係D先生平時要求好低,例如數 ...

Thank you for your information.

In fact, I would like to ask if you know the average mark of the top 50 students in form1.
nicholasmom | 2010-07-29 22:43
Quote:原帖由 mar123 於 10-7-29 21:16 發表

Thank you for your information.

In fact, I would like to ask if you know the average mark of the top 50 students in form1.

I don't know. Just know that one of my son's classmate who rank 8X in the form got an average mark of over 70. [ 本帖最後由 nicholasmom 於 10-7-29 22:48 編輯 ]
mar123 | 2010-07-30 22:29
Quote:原帖由 nicholasmom 於 10-7-29 22:43 發表

I don't know. Just know that one of my son's classmate who rank 8X in the form got an average mark of over 70.

In form 1 level to get over mark 70 is not that easy. My son's recent test result only scores 70+.
I am a little bit worried about if he can catch up the course.
nicholasmom | 2010-07-30 23:40
Do you mean that your son can got 70 marks from the bridging course? If so, it is a good start. I believe your son is good in English such that he can adopt English teaching in such a short time. By the way, can you tell your son come from which Primary school?
mar123 | 2010-07-31 11:18
Quote:原帖由 nicholasmom 於 10-7-30 23:40 發表
Do you mean that your son can got 70 marks from the bridging course? If so, it is a good start. I believe your son is good in English such that he can adopt English teaching in such a short time. By t ...

Yes, he got over 70 marks from the test of Integrated Science from the bridging course. But as you said, average marks of 70+ of all subjects can only be ranked 80+. Actually, my son never come behind 50 in primary school therefore I am a bit worried he will get frustrated in secondary school.
nicholasmom | 2010-07-31 12:04
It depends on which Primary school your son come from. I know many who ranked top 50 in the primary school become rank 18X in SFXC.
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