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73662710 | 2012-07-22 18:37
As an English medium school, the result in Eng was only comparable to the average standard of all students in hk, disappointing!
The passing rate seems acceptable but there are very few top students.
88-123 | 2012-07-23 13:34
回復 73662710 的帖子 同意,不但英文要加輩努力,中文也不見突出,危險啦。
學生, 學校,老師,家長努力。

KikiDaddy | 2012-07-28 02:21
[i=s] 本帖最後由 KikiDaddy 於 12-7-28 15:10 編輯 [/i] 回復 73662710 的帖子

I'm also a SFXC alumni and I was in the 88 HKCEE class. I remember we got more than 150 "A"s in the HKCEE that year and the top student got 8A1B. At that time, most of the boys in YTM would place WYK / DBS as their first choice and put SFXC in second. Hence, most of the intakes at that time were top 20% in the area. Nowadays, students are more mobilized and have lots of choices like DSS / international schools. With students divided into 3 bands instead of 5, we can't expect the quality of current students are the same as the past. However, if the students can be more committed to the study and be self motivated, the DSE results of SFXC should be gradually improved once a positive learning atmosphere is established in the school. Just as what happened in the old days. SFXC students never over rely on the teachers.
Hope the current SFXC students can understand the true meaning of our School Motto - "Gentle in Manner; Resolute in Action". Once you set the targets and work hard to achieve them with perseverance, success is just around the corner!

Add oil, SFXC boys!

73662710 | 2012-07-28 16:36
我們以前會買dragon book and butterfly book 来自修,良性竞争環境非常好。現在很難要求師弟做同樣的事,學校應做多一點功夫。不過我想信sfx现在没有那些....老师。
73662710 | 2012-07-28 16:49
六角生8a1b,無數6A,7A, 88班强!just under 85班,我們89班也排第三!自豪。
andrewwcng | 2012-08-08 14:40
So long my beloved alma mater SFXC, my son will withdraw the registration within this week.
88-123 | 2012-08-09 19:33

andrewwcng | 2012-08-09 19:47
回復 88-123 的帖子 My son is admitted to CAIS in this Sept.

nicholasmom | 2012-08-09 20:07
[i=s] 本帖最後由 nicholasmom 於 12-8-9 20:18 編輯 [/i] Quote:andrewwcng 發表於 12-8-9 19:47
回復 88-123 的帖子

My son is admitted to CAIS in this Sept.

Escape from the NSS?

88-123 | 2012-08-09 22:38
回復 nicholasmom 的帖子 𢥧神祝福你們!
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