andrewwcng | 2012-08-10 00:39 |
回復 nicholasmom 的帖子
You are right. I love the school, but I hate the system. From the bottom of my heart, SFXC is a very school, I cherished every moment I had in this school. |
gabriela0407 | 2012-08-25 01:24 |
各位好, 我再次入來打招呼, 請問有冇今年的中一同學仔呀? 想識定D同學仔, 有咩不明白都多個人問下, 當然F. 2以上都可做朋友啦. 多多指教! 第一問題, 早前派的MATH 作業, 其實要做嗎? 是否全本做晒呢?? THANKS |
katiema | 2012-09-07 16:52 |
[i=s] 本帖最後由 katiema 於 12-9-7 16:59 編輯 [/i]
HIHI , That school life is it good?? :lover: |
gabriela0407 | 2012-09-25 02:41 |
開學都差不多一個月, 你們的小朋友適應成點? 功課量多嗎, 好似已測過幾科, 又dict. 幾次. 這星期有2日陸運會. 希望佢學校生活愉快啦. 我真係希望有人同分享下, 學校的事情. 希望有人回下我啦. 多謝. |
terencemak | 2012-09-27 13:13 |
回復 gabriela0407 的帖子
兒子進入高中了,hae...的情況大為減少,希望盡快上心讀書。經過第一年DSE考試,SFX入U率43.5%,總算不錯。但據知很多英文中學的中文科成績一般,相信本校情況一樣,奉勸所有新生於初中時把中英兩科根基搞好。 |
gabriela0407 | 2012-09-28 02:05 |
回復 terencemak 的帖子
多謝你的回覆呀, check pm |
mar123 | 2012-09-29 12:07 |
回復 terencemak 的帖子
Terrance, How do you know that were 43.5% of students getting into U in Hong Kong? |
terencemak | 2012-09-30 08:02 |
回復 mar123 的帖子
From the website of sfx, Principal Mr. Ho made a speech to students, but there is no official confirmation, , tell me if i made mistake. |
mar123 | 2012-10-14 13:41 |
Tomorrow is the 2nd day of Hkssf swimming(D2) competition of SFXC. The result of the 1st day seems to be O.K.Hope the swimming team to have good results!!! |
mar123 | 2012-10-15 23:09 |
The final day' s result of HKSSF swimming is good and sfxc will remain in D2. WELL DONE!!! |