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nicholasmom | 2012-12-26 23:27
[i=s] 本帖最後由 nicholasmom 於 12-12-26 23:33 編輯 [/i] Quote:chrischeung 發表於 12-12-26 16:02
回復 terencemak 的帖子


43.5%是指 9 大. 讀degree不包括副學仕是 49.1%

crazycat | 2012-12-29 12:37


gabriela0407 | 2013-01-04 02:44
回復 crazycat 的帖子 [size=15.199999809265137px]請問學校多功課嗎?~~比網址你自己睇, 我都唔知, 因我不跟功課的媽媽(係咪好衰呢)


[size=15.199999809265137px]是否需要補習才可追上?~~我小朋友有[size=15.199999809265137px]補習, 因小學已開始(英/數), 暫時不想停, 另一原因係我學歷低, 我以前讀職業先修中文中學. 大女同細仔D 科目我冇麥點學過. 我幫佢地唔到.
[size=15.199999809265137px]不過我個人想是要睇個別小朋友, 同家長有咩要求, 家庭負擔到否. 小朋友又願意合作地上補習,

crazycat | 2013-01-04 11:03
Thank you for your information.

mar123 | 2013-01-05 23:53
Next week the exam will start. Good Luck to your boys!!!
mar123 | 2013-01-15 21:41
The exam is half way through. How are your sons doing?
terencemak | 2013-01-16 21:37
回復 mar123 的帖子 考試近尾聲,情況不樂觀,尤以中文科,分五個形式考核,各考法均須專業訓練,並經多方練習去掌握技巧,難怪這麼多考生到補習社「進補」,看來低年級家長早籲囝囝多留意,以免臨喝掘井。

mar123 | 2013-01-17 20:05
回復 terencemak 的帖子 My son is in Form 3 but I found that there are so many subjects in the examination. For example I.S. it took 3 different papers(phy, chem, Bio). On the other hand, I.H., LS, RS are not easy to study for a form 3 student. Totally, there are 13 written papers to be sat in this exam. Do you think it is too hard for a form 3 student? I should image even mid band1students can manage well (let alone the bottom band1)!!!

mar123 | 2013-01-17 20:09
回復 mar123 的帖子 [size=14.999999046325684px]My son is in Form 3 but I found that there are so many subjects in the examination. For example I.S. it took 3 different papers(phy, chem, Bio). On the other hand, I.H., LS, RS are not easy to study for a form 3 student. Totally, there are 13 written papers to be sat in this exam. Do you think it is too hard for a form 3 student? I should image even mid band1students cannot doing well for this exam(let alone the bottom band1)!!!
vincentchiu888 | 2013-01-18 00:38
聖芳濟書院恨鐵𣎴成鋼, 唉!
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