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73662710 | 2013-01-19 12:45
We took 16 subject examinations (including Eng dictation, oral and PE in the old days.
Why do you look down upon your child?
Xaverians are certainly not bottommmm...
mar123 | 2013-01-21 12:44
回復 73662710 的帖子 I don't mean sfxc is band 1 bottom. My meaning is even the mid band 1 students can't manage well for 13 written papers in one exam(almost as many as DSE).
gabriela0407 | 2013-01-23 21:55
回復 terencemak 的帖子 試就考完, 這星期派卷D分就返, 真係中文全軍覆沒, 但我真係唔知點幫佢呀!!:igiveup::igiveup:
mar123 | 2013-01-25 23:16
Next week, there will be hkssf athletics meet (D3 area3) and my son will represent SFXC to participate on the track event. But, the school doesn't have any training at all. How can the school get good results without any training? Actually, I have suggested to the Vice Principal to put more resources into the athletics team during the parents meeting.What a shame that SFXC was demoted from D2 to D3 this year.

vincentchiu888 | 2013-01-26 14:12
I think the school has been putting a lot of resources in athletic fields. It is the quality of the intakes of F.1 students that counts. In considering also the limited resources the school gets, the result is satisfactory. Don't compare with WYK or LS.
mar123 | 2013-01-26 18:54
回復 vincentchiu888 的帖子 Vincent,
how you know the school put resources into the athletic team? At the moment, my son doesn't have any news for training
and it is only 2 days to the HKSSF athletic meet. I don't expect SFXC is good as LS or even Wah yin in the athletics but at least have some training before the competition. Bear in mind, the HKSSF athletic meet is very important event to some elite schools(not just DBS, LS).

sfxc | 2013-01-27 18:07
回復 mar123 的帖子 現實是殘酷的!過去聖芳濟書院花了大量心血和資源進行保底工作, 得以保留Band 1 的地位,但面對7成不能控制的收生源的質素日益下降,學校的持份者如何思考它的去向和未來?重建或遷校?沒錢。轉直資?更沒條件。隨波逐流,有教無類?強如九華也無法和現行的教育制度抗衡,其結果有目共睹。 教育理想只能變成無私奉獻的慈善事業!不多久,只會步它兄弟學校的後麈,淪為Band 2 學校。聽說今年中一實行精英制,總算踏出正確的一步,也對那些自行收生家長有所交代。
73662710 | 2013-01-27 21:26
73662710 | 2013-01-27 21:26
73662710 | 2013-01-27 21:45
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