mar123 | 2013-02-05 22:24 |
Today, SFXC has get the champion of Hong Kong Inter-School Athletics meet(D3).Well Done Boys !!! Next year, SFXC will be back to D2. Many many congratulations!!! |
88-123 | 2013-02-05 23:07 |
SFXC boys well done. Congratulations! |
vincentchiu888 | 2013-02-06 01:10 |
Congratulations! I think the school should invest more to keep the school team in D2 next year! |
gabriela0407 | 2013-02-06 02:43 |
Congratulations! 恭喜恭喜~~~!!!:excited::excited: |
vincentchiu888 | 2013-02-21 02:45 |
This year marks the 40th anniversary of the passing away of Bruce Lee, the greatest martial artist of all time, and one of the most outstanding alumni of SFXC. With $1 m subsidy from the government for the first time, HK's Bruce Lee Club is planning to pave a "Bruce Lee Memorial Trail" to commemorate the event in around July 20. One of the seven road signs will be erected in front of SFXC school premises. |
katiema | 2013-02-21 05:00 |
[i=s] 本帖最後由 katiema 於 13-2-21 05:05 編輯 [/i]
回復 vincentchiu888 的帖子 SORRY, 可否用中文解釋一次, 有小小唔明, 因我讀得書少. THNAK YOU SO MUCH! "今年是40週年,李小龍的所有時間最偉大的武術藝術家的最傑出校友SFXC,和一個逝去。 100萬元補貼從政府的第一次,香港李小龍會計劃“李小龍紀念之旅”,以紀念大約在7月20日的事件作好準備。其中的七個路標將豎立在前面的SFXC校舍" |
katiema | 2013-02-21 05:04 |
24號去學校"家長日" 見老師, 好緊張, 好擔心, 但又唔知有咩可講, 有咩可問? 有冇JM 可提供下. 我只知成績差. 所以個人都好空白. 仲要1日走2場, :question::omouth: |
88-123 | 2013-02-25 14:42 |
昨天阿仔派成績單.一班班不過就沒有不合格。 我很想提升阿仔的語言能力特別是英文writing ability. 我叫他多閱讀英文書但他不怎樣聽! 不知學校的閱讀風氣怎樣? |
mar123 | 2013-02-25 22:45 |
回復 88-123 的帖子
Usually, boys don't like to read English book since it is not easy to find books are interesting to youngsters in English.Therefore, you are the only one to pick up books from the public library to encourage your son to read. Even though there are a lot of vocabularies in the junior fictions or novels, you still have to make him to start. In my case, I make my son to read 1 book every week(except exam weeks). Sometimes he will give some reasons not to finish the reading but I insist not to stop. Actually, this is the main problem of most Hong Kong students' English in which they are lack of vocabularies because they don't have enough reading in comparison with Singapore or other English mother tongue students. |
vincentchiu888 | 2013-02-26 01:21 |
回復 katiema 的帖子
請參考 [url] |