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vincentchiu888 | 2013-04-13 16:33
Since SFXC football team has got the champion in Grade B and 2nd runner-up in Grade A of District Kowloon 3 of D3, there should be fair chançe that the team can return to D2 next year if only Grade C team can get into final in the coming week's race. I was told that SFXC used to be on D1 list some 30 years ago, being one of the top 10 strongest football school team in HK. But I cannot find the history record in the HKSSF site.
vincentchiu888 | 2013-04-13 16:34
Since SFXC football team has got the champion in Grade B and 2nd runner-up in Grade A of District Kowloon 3 of D3, there should be fair chançe that the team can return to D2 next year if only Grade C team can get into final in the coming week's race. I was told that SFXC used to be on D1 list some 30 years ago, being one of the top 10 strongest football school team in HK. But I cannot find the history record in the HKSSF site.
mar123 | 2013-05-01 11:44
回復 vincentchiu888 的帖子 I don't know much about the football team but I think SFXC should put more resources on the athletics team otherwise it is very easy to be demoted next year since the level of D2 is much tougher than D3.
autoto | 2013-05-06 13:22
小兒9月升中一, 自行(有得in) +甲乙部都係寫貴校為第一志願. 但都好怕萬一派唔到, 想問定有無家長當年係叩門入的? 有咩要準備好? 請提點下.
mar123 | 2013-05-06 21:16
回復 autoto 的帖子 If your son is YTM band 1 student and put 乙部统一派位at 1st choice, he is 100% sure to get into the school.
autoto | 2013-05-07 17:19
真係咁好?!如果不幸隨機編號好後都無問題?恕我直言,即係貴校band 1 & 2 既學生都有?當然我係唔介意,自己個仔係小學係B1, 去到中學係另一個新開始。

73662710 | 2013-05-08 08:45
73662710 | 2013-05-08 08:46
mar123 | 2013-05-09 20:11
回復 autoto 的帖子 I guess there are less than 20 band 2 students can get into the school.
vincentchiu888 | 2013-05-15 11:54
回復 mar123 的帖子 I agree with you that the school should put more resources like hiring coach and giving out scholarship or whatever to the winners etc. The football team can return to D2 next year but should not take it for granted. Likewise, athletics team will surely be demoted to D bottom again should the management neglect the importance of sports and its deepest implications of the fame which may bring to the school boys.
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