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ChiChiPaPa | 2012-10-14 19:50


特別要留意有關寫personal statement方面的指導。

ChiChiPaPa | 2012-10-14 19:55

Cradlesong | 2012-10-15 16:42
Thanks for the useful info. Btw, do u have any information about university admission of Laws?

ChiChiPaPa | 2012-10-16 23:04
回復 Cradlesong 的帖子 本港有三間大學有法律學位:港大、中大和城大。城大較易入,入到的通常英文5*,一科選修5*,其它科目5或4。今個星期六係城大資訊日。
Cradlesong | 2012-10-17 14:10

請問知否羅氏同學今年入U的比率,入邊間U多d? 仲有知吾知讀英文通識和讀中文通識的同學DSE的成績?thks a lot!

lkong2005 | 2012-10-20 00:18
[i=s] 本帖最後由 lkong2005 於 12-10-20 00:19 編輯 [/i]

學入U率,校長講今年HKDSE政府資助學位課程[img=1,1]file:///C:/Users/lkong/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.jpg[/img]大學入U率超過五成, 以當時嘅收生條件, 非常滿意. 校長講現在成績只是開始, 現在收生條件更好, 將來成績一定比現在好.讀英文通識和讀中文通識的同學DSE的成績就唔清楚.

abcd0001 | 2012-10-20 10:19
remarks: MR.Chan said the result of coming years should be much better and have a significant advancement. He strongly believes that this year F1 will have a better DSE result than this year graduate 6 years later.

If you want to know this year's DSE result,you may join the coming admission talk and ask directly. Pls tell us afterwards. THANKS:wahaha:
abcd0001 | 2012-10-20 10:21
SORRY.....DSE result, I mean the university admission rate.:meow:
lkong2005 | 2012-10-20 23:16
chun媽 我曾在羅氏網址看,找不到入u率,是否沒有post 出來?


只喺校長講, 沒有在羅氏網址post 出來.

ivyko | 2012-11-03 01:45
回復 ChiChiPaPa 的帖子 聽朋友講,羅氏係一間好谷的中學. 天天默書,3日一小測,是嗎?

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