mar123 | 2013-05-15 17:16 |
回復 vincentchiu888 的帖子
I sincerely hope your comment can be relayed to the management of school. In fact, the fame of sports is so important to elite schools. |
mar123 | 2013-05-17 23:06 |
回復 angrybird2013 的帖子
Well noted! |
terencemak | 2013-05-26 11:26 |
水運會過後,意味著學期尾將至,又要準備大考了! 大家準力吧。:meow: |
mar123 | 2013-05-30 14:38 |
My son is form 3 student and is going to choose subjects after the exam. Anybody can tell which subjects are strong and weak in SFXC? |
terencemak | 2013-06-04 17:50 |
你可參考本校dse 或會考成績,基本上 science subjects 如 physics and chem成績較強,語言如中文較弱,聽副校長講,勁多中五學生在校外補習中文,是近幾年少見,Dse 考試範圍極廣,就LS 一科可讀到你「反肚」,讀完所有資料仍如在夢中。 不過我覺得仍須揸緊一個大原則,最好選一些囝囝成績以往不錯的科目,應以興趣行先;未來三年每科內容廣而深,否則因成績欠佳需 drop 科。 中三同學最好於暑假備課,以減輕開學後壓力。:crying: |
mar123 | 2013-06-04 22:36 |
回復 terencemak 的帖子
Terence,thank you very much for your precious suggestions!!! |
mar123 | 2013-06-10 12:38 |
The exam will be started soon!!! How are your sons' preparations for the final exam? |
gabriela0407 | 2013-06-13 02:24 |
請問各位師兄/媽咪, 可有二手書F.2 全套, 轉讓/送給我, 可以嗎? 請PM 留言thank you |
mar123 | 2013-06-18 12:03 |
The final exam is half way through and hope everybody to have good results. |
mar123 | 2013-06-21 12:38 |
I am so glad the exam is almost to the final stage(one subject left for my son). I can see the exam is too tough for my son(F3 student) as there are 10 subjects(Chinese, english, maths, LS, IH, RS, Chinese His, Physics, Chem and Bio). Since there is not enough time to revise(may be my son's time management is not good enough), he has to study until 12.00am and get up at 5am to revise before the exam this morning. How about your sons' situations? |