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KikiDaddy | 2013-07-20 07:02
[i=s] 本帖最後由 KikiDaddy 於 13-7-20 07:03 編輯 [/i] 回復 KikiDaddy 的帖子

KikiDaddy | 2013-07-20 07:25
Quote:mar123 發表於 13-7-19 21:38
【太陽報專訊】【本報訊】第二屆中學文憑考試「星級狀元」誕生地繼續「大執位」,不少傳統名校如拔萃女書院 ...
No 星級狀元 is not an issue. If you look at DGS's DSE results this year, the % of students got 5** in English Language is 50.3%. It is phenomenal!

When we compare the DSE results among different schools, we should focus on the average results instead of how many 星級狀元.

mar123 | 2013-07-20 12:10
回復 KikiDaddy 的帖子 I agree
星級狀元 is not a issue. But, as a band 1 school, the % of grade 5 or above of English or Chinese should be higher than 20%. Otherwise, SFXC is no difference with the band 2 school.
88-123 | 2013-07-20 12:16
回復 KikiDaddy 的帖子 如要比英文是差天共地. 重要的是讀書風气。

88-123 | 2013-07-20 12:36
學校應該有個明確的目標給中英文科如DSE成績要20% 至30% 達到 5** -5 .
mar123 | 2013-07-20 14:42
回復 88-123 的帖子 I totally agree with you the school should make a target of at least 20-30% at level 5 or above. If not, SFXC is no longer a band 1 school standard.
nicholasmom | 2013-07-20 22:15
Quote:mar123 發表於 13-7-20 14:42
回復 88-123 的帖子

I totally agree with you the school should make a target of at least 20-30% at l ...
My son told me that Ho Ting had said in his retirement speech that after the next review, SFXC will have Chinese class in the year 2016-2017.

mar123 | 2013-07-20 22:53
回復 nicholasmom 的帖子 nicholasmom, It has been a long long time since your last comment!! I am so glad to see you again here.By the way, I am not surprised SFXC will have Chinese medium class in the future since the results of DSE of the languages can't attract the band 1 students to put at the 1st choice in 统一派位.
73662710 | 2013-07-21 10:16
Quote:nicholasmom 發表於 13-7-20 22:15
My son told me that Ho Ting had said in his retirement speech that after the next review, SFXC will ...
Possible or must?
nicholasmom | 2013-07-21 11:03
[i=s] 本帖最後由 nicholasmom 於 13-7-21 11:05 編輯 [/i] Quote:73662710 發表於 13-7-21 10:16
Possible or must?

It is a known fact that each year there are around 40% of Band 2 student in Form 1. The next assessment will be in the year 2015/16. If there is no improvement. This must happen.

Please note the requirement of all English classes are 85% of the student are in the top 40% in the Pre-S1 test.

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