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mar123 | 2013-10-15 12:16
The 1st day of Inter-school swim(D2) competition of SFXC seems to be O.K. in which it is ranked no.9. And hopefully, the school will remain in D2 next year!!!

mar123 | 2013-10-19 13:55
During the 2nd day of Inter-school swimming (D2)competition, SFXC ranked no. 8 amongst 16 schools so it can be remained at D2 next year. Well done Boys!!!
terencemak | 2013-10-21 10:21
前日中六家長會,校長透露剛過去中六生有 53%經 jupas 入大學,而餘下同學大多收讀資助或自資的 associate degree and high dip.
mar123 | 2013-10-21 12:40
回復 terencemak 的帖子 53% of sfxc students can enter the degree course of the universities in Hong Kong is a very good news!!!
But, I just wonder the results of DSE English and Chinese are not so good and how many are there can get into

terencemak | 2013-10-21 19:12
因為你有合理的懷疑,所以主動聯絡副校了解數據。終於知道原來 53% 是包括本地、自資和海外大學,而透過Jupas 入本地 U 約 48%。抱歉令你空歡喜一場,但我絕對收貨。但指細大學分配內容仍在整理中,會日後公佈。
據我所知 sfx 的語言科較弱,但能達到 3322 的要求便可申請大學,可況據聞很多同學中英文科取得 4 、3 較多,而數理成績以5 、4居多。

plus: 聽聞有同學已入醫學院讀醫,亦有同學入法學院讀 law 。

mar123 | 2013-10-21 22:20
回復 terencemak 的帖子 Thanks for your information!
nicholasmom | 2013-10-24 14:41
[i=s] 本帖最後由 nicholasmom 於 13-10-24 14:57 編輯 [/i] 唔知學校會唔會停課. 呵仔話班班都有幾個人放病假 .:先生都有幾個病咗.:sickmilk:
mar123 | 2013-10-24 21:55
回復 nicholasmom 的帖子 Tomorrow is athletics meet day and there is no announcement at all of any 手足口病.
nicholasmom | 2013-10-25 14:02
Quote:mar123 發表於 13-10-24 21:55
回復 nicholasmom 的帖子

Tomorrow is athletics meet day and there is no announcement at all of any ...
阿仔話琴日姚佬 briefing 有講. 依家係每日幾個新証. 要每日同時20 個新証 先會停課 Wo.

mar123 | 2013-11-10 16:18
Do anybody know if SFXC's school management will have new policy to improve the results of English and Chinese in DSE?
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