jmamaj | 2015-07-21 12:29 |
如果想報中二插班生, 請問各位知唔知有什麼手續? |
SK3 | 2015-07-21 13:07 |
你們好,小𠒇今年升讀中一。 |
mar123 | 2015-08-04 16:15 |
Any body know the % of students getting into the degree course of local u this year? |
SK3 | 2015-08-17 11:25 |
各位家長: 你們好!多多指教!請問是否開學才知阿仔讀邊班? SK3 |
yuiyuibb | 2015-08-18 22:45 |
想請問上,下學期大約會在那個月份考試呢? 長假期,如聖誕節,復活節會否有project要留港做呢? 謝謝 |
vincentchiu888 | 2015-08-19 22:46 |
Quote:yuiyuibb 發表於 15-8-18 22:45 想請問上,下學期大約會在那個月份考試呢? 長假期,如聖誕節,復活節會否有project要留港做呢? 可參考去年校曆: |
Mrs.Yellow | 2015-09-29 10:39 |
今年的DSE成績又差咗,唔知學校會否有什麼對策呢! |
mar123 | 2015-10-19 00:17 |
According to Mr Yiu in the parents meeting on saturday, there are more than 50per cent of students getting into the degree course . |
TuenMunResident | 2015-11-20 19:59 |
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mar123 | 2015-11-22 14:26 |
回覆 TuenMunResident 的帖子
There are mor e than 50 per cent of students getting into local degree course. |