terencemak | 2010-08-13 19:39 |
我不知道你有甚麽其它需要學校協助,我相信你能主動跟班主任溝通,或會得到幫助。 若果你是指學生個人問題(猜測),必須家校合作,而且中一至中三是青少年反叛期,不可倚賴學校呀。 |
nicholasmom | 2010-08-13 21:11 |
Quote:原帖由 terencemak 於 10-8-13 19:39 發表 ![]() 我不知道你有甚麽其它需要學校協助,我相信你能主動跟班主任溝通,或會得到幫助。 若果你是指學生個人問題(猜測),必須家校合作,而且中一至中三是青少年反叛期,不可倚賴學校呀。 ... 唔好話做 extra 既嘢.連家課都無乜. 咁D小朋友點肯自動自覺温習? |
terencemak | 2010-08-14 08:56 |
哦!你指是功課上,但這是中學的普遍現像,記得我在6、70年代讀中學時已是這樣,而且據我所知大多名校都是咁。 就是這樣,家長對小朋友的monitor便quite important!以前學生多,家庭成員多,大多在貧困環境中長大、競爭,他們學會自主性。若果倚重學校,會死得人多。特別是現今大多男生,不給壓力是不行的。本區另一間 band one boy school 成績大跌,我想 this is one of the reasons. In SFXC a test is given in every cycle. It is a way to guide students work harder.But it is useless as students and parents ignore these test.By the way ,your point is not completely wrong, But I will force my son to do better myself. |
小孩子的天空 | 2010-08-15 01:42 |
我原本都有諗上到中學唔洗跟得咁緊,但係好多朋友都同我講"諗都唔好諗"......他們說這一代的小朋友思想上比較幼稚(生活環境太幸福的緣故)...所以叫我要過左中三先可以諗.... 另外,我想問家長同學校溝通方面是怎樣的? 小兒的小學是每天都能入學校找老師傾談的,我知這樣的小學已好難得,不敢冀望中學亦是這樣.....可是我又不想只是派成績表那天才知孩子在學校有什麼問題....咁....如果我間唔中去找老師會唔會好怪呀? |
terencemak | 2010-08-15 08:35 |
There are two classmasters each class in SFXC .I have already contacted them at least four times last year. Once I found the subject teacher made a big mistake, she gave a wrong mark to my son. I discussed with her and knew more the performance of my son by telephone. She was nice and willing to be contacted any time(assumed they are free at the moment). 但老師心怎麼想我不知道,但 as a parent of my son, i have right to know his performance in school. once, I dated and picked my son after school, I went to school and stayed inside near the school football playground to wait my son, there was a football competition . I found two Misses led their own classmates crying with loud voice to encourage their football players . The students really enjoyed and the relationship between them were good. I absolutely agree to use 幼稚 to describe present students. My son learning ability is good but not best, but his EQ is low behind very very .............. disappointed. I wish all students can enjoy their shool lives of six yearsi n SFXC. |
nicholasmom | 2010-08-15 12:29 |
terencemak | 2010-08-15 13:01 |
I didnt mention both teachers are good, actually one of them got stroke and took a long sick leave, but the other one Miss is nice, my boy studied in 2R and promote to F.3 next year. Moreover, the principal is good too, I have chatted with him several times, but it seems he is gonna retire this year. |
nicholasmom | 2010-08-15 14:12 |
Have you seen the "External School Review Report" last year? I really hope the new principle can do something in "Heighten teachers' awareness of learner diversities and enhance sendents' independent learning skills to stretch their potential" as pointed out in Section 3.2 of the report. |
terencemak | 2010-08-15 15:11 |
learning diversities is common in band one school, I do not go through this report, but it may point out the problems in this school. whatever problems the school faces or whatever schemes it is going to carry out , i will not expect a great help and change to students. As far as i know, the important factor is the student himself, my friends who are teachers in other secondary sch suggest me to pay attention to his behaviour change and appraise him more, or may be one day my son becomes aware of what is good to him, he will paint his future picture on his own.At that day he may start turbo reading books by his own. what i can do is to monitor him, to set target next year, spend time to enjoy school lives(not just playing online game at home). Anyway , i still believe that school or teachers are only helpers, if the student gets no sense of change, we can do nothing except stay and support behind him when he gets hurts. To me, SFXC is a good sch, my son tells me he still likes reading right there. Nicholasmom , you are a good mother, it seems you are eager to know this school deeply. You know, if school may improve faster whenever there are good parents. Let us try our best, God Bless You. |
mar123 | 2010-08-15 17:25 |