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leemk | 2011-07-15 10:18
My daughter will get in SSGC in S-1 coming September. :lover: 大家交流一下.:funny:
ksenia | 2011-07-16 14:36
Hi. My daughter is studying in this school but she's leaving in September. Nice to meet you though ^^
helpplz | 2011-08-09 23:33
ickwong | 2011-08-10 10:05
She will change to other school??
Why have such decision?
Seems SSGC is a good school.
Quote:原帖由 ksenia 於 11-7-16 14:36 發表
Hi. My daughter is studying in this school but she's leaving in September. Nice to meet you though ^^

ksenia | 2011-08-15 15:57
this is because she is transferring to an international school
ksenia | 2011-08-15 15:58
my daughter says it was relatively easy for her year.
ickwong | 2011-08-17 10:02
Good luck to your daughter on future studies!

We are also in Central/Western District, my daughter is going to P6 in the coming year. Problem is Ying Wa will move to Shumshuipo next year. So the other choice is Stephen Girls.
We would like to learn more about this school. Could you let me know more about the students, lessons, etc. Thank you.
ksenia | 2011-08-18 21:46
really sad about the incident...
Ting0329 | 2011-11-28 10:08
我想亞女報此間中學, 想問學生品格如何? 有人說很"高鬥", 真的嗎? 因老師話亞女性格唔好, 驚佢就算入到都會比人蝦, 點好?! >~<
丘太 | 2012-02-17 17:18
我囡囡都報左呀,已經收到面試通知,希望順利啦 :happy:
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