拔萃男書院 (DBS) 家長交流區

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marisayg | 2012-03-06 14:30
[i=s] 本帖最後由 marisayg 於 13-4-30 11:25 編輯 [/i] 各位DBS新/舊家長,

你們好!我囝囝會是2012-13 S.1新生, 請多多指教!

1)DBS除了學費外, 其他雜費多不多呢?
2)如挑選入到學校樂隊, 需不需要收費?
3)何時會有bridging course, 收費多少呢?

Thanks a lot! :question:

littlecat | 2012-03-12 10:59

1) DBS除咗學費, 就冇乜雜費要交, 除非你參加學校舉辦既課外活動, 我記得第一年學校會問家長參唔參加家長教師會, 如果參加既話, 每位學生家長繳交大約$500-$600.- , 但已包括六年費用
2) 如果加入樂團, 係唔需要交任何費用
3) 呢方面就唔清楚, 因為我囝囝就冇參加過, 我估計應該唔需要交任何費用, 不過最好問學校 , 據我所知, 學校如果有D特別課程比學生參加, 都係費用全費.
marisayg | 2012-03-12 17:31

Thanks so much. :iloveit:

Is your son a member of the school orchestra? How to join it?
BTW, which grade is your son studying at?
littlecat | 2012-03-12 22:37
我囝囝今年GRADE 9, 佢冇join 樂團, 如果你囝囝想join, 開學時叫佢留意d大哥哥, 佢哋會到每一班房叫d新同學去做audition , 自己去申請. 我囝囝係當年就miss咗, 所以冇參加, 不過聽聞樂團練得勁辛苦, 尤其係一到校際音樂節, 就要成日走堂, 你囝囝要有心理準備:funny:
小桃兒 | 2012-03-16 11:40
[i=s] 本帖最後由 小桃兒 於 12-3-16 11:42 編輯 [/i] 回復 littlecat 的帖子

Dear Littlecat,

Could u pls share about the format of the G7 streaming test?
Which part is difficult and need to do some revision?
Does it contain composition?

Thanks. :adore::adore:

littlecat | 2012-03-19 12:44
G7 streaming test 係好重要, 學校會根據呢次成績而作出分班. DBS每一級會有六班, D, P, S班為精英班, 其他J, M, T為普通班. 所以每位家長都好想自己既囝囝能入讀前三班, 我記得當年囝囝考分班試話最難係數學, 英文和中文都唔係太難, 英文好似唔使考composition, 但會考oral, 不過唔係同一日考, 但而家有冇改就唔知啦! 中文要考成語, 修辭手法&閱讀理解等等. 而聽聞數學都出得既深, 有d類似係奧數.

希望以上資可以幫到你. :funny:
小桃兒 | 2012-03-19 16:49
回復 littlecat 的帖子 Dear littlecat,

Thank you very much. Your information is very useful. :excited:

The admission teacher said the score of the English part of interview will be counted as the oral score of the streaming test.

MacMa | 2012-03-20 12:21
回復 marisayg 的帖子 As I remember that the bridging course last year was started on 14 Jul 2011 until 27 Jul 2011, and it was about $4XXX.

My son also missed the audition as the senior boys would go to each classroom to make the announcement, but somehow he said he never notice to receive the announcement!

LV77 | 2012-03-20 23:53
[i=s] 本帖最後由 LV77 於 12-3-21 22:28 編輯 [/i] Hello all DBS parents,


囝囝都是12-13 S1學生,希望大家可以俾多D意見我地呢班新生:kissyou:
MacMa | 2012-03-21 09:48
[i=s] 本帖最後由 MacMa 於 12-3-21 09:49 編輯 [/i] 回復 MacMa 的帖子

Yes, my son had attended the bridging course last year. In fact, they would have teaching class (just normal revision) in the morning and sports/activities in the afternoon. They could get familiar with the school campus and teacher during the 2 weeks. However, they would stay 1 night in the boarding (optional) which was a new experience for them.
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