有冇人上過學之園(凱帆)的 Kindermusik course?

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pomelo_tea | 2010-01-20 13:56
有冇人上過學之園(凱帆)的 Kindermusik course, 是怎樣的?好不好?中文定英文上?
Thank you!
huba | 2010-02-01 19:16

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Just fyi. Though, not answering all your questions.

My son has attended Kindermusik in LHK (LV campus) as well as tried a trial class in another centre (not in LHK). All classes were conducted in English.

Based on the participation with my son, the instructor will introduce music toys, sing songs and play games in the class.

Although there is a standard to follow for Kindermusik, you may still have your own preference with individual instructor.

Quote:原帖由 pomelo_tea 於 20/1/2010 13:56 發表
有冇人上過學之園(凱帆)的 Kindermusik course, 是怎樣的?好不好?中文定英文上?
Thank you!