A Level 入大學醫科

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elbar | 2024-10-15 19:24
Quote:naturebeauty 發表於 24-10-9 23:44 我想問一下: 爬文見到不少人說A Level 4A*不足以穩入香港的大學醫科,請問是否多考一科,而果科成績唔差 ...

[i=s] 本帖最後由 elbar 於 24-10-15 19:24 編輯 [/i] 會否考慮埋 OXFORD、UCL 醫科 :question:

naturebeauty | 2024-10-16 07:54
Quote:elbar 發表於 24-10-15 19:24 本帖最後由 elbar 於 24-10-15 19:24 編輯 會否考慮埋 OXFORD、UCL 醫科


naturebeauty | 2024-10-16 07:58

Poyau | 2024-10-19 06:27
Quote:naturebeauty 發表於 24-10-9 23:44 我想問一下: 爬文見到不少人說A Level 4A*不足以穩入香港的大學醫科,請問是否多考一科,而果科成績唔差 ...

中大醫科要求 AL 4A* DY2要≥95% FM 不計1科 Maths/FM 取較高者 加上可考 AL 中文 以符合語文要求 舉隅 Maths+PCB+FM+中文 6科 中大 MBChB https://www.med.cuhk.edu.hk/study/prospective-students/undergraduate-study/programme-and-admission/mbchb-and-gps/admissions/non-jupas GCE A-level and International A-level (IAL) GCE/IAL students should take 4 AL subjects (excluding Chinese), of which at least 3 subjects should be completed in one sitting (within a 12-month period). Either Chemistry or Biology should be taken. Having both is preferable. Further Maths is not counted as a separate subject. The raw mark of Maths or Further Maths, whichever is higher, will count towards the total GCE score. With the changes to the A-level examination system, students who do not have the old scaled marks (UMS) are required to provide raw marks and grade boundaries of each subject right after the release of results. We will use the raw marks and grade boundaries to estimate a percentage mark similar to the one in the previous UMS system. It is increasingly important that students should provide the results of other entry examinations such as the United Kingdom Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT). As the results are not released until mid-August, we will invite a few applicants with outstanding results in the GCE AS level, IGCSE, and/or UKCAT for an early interview. After the release of GCE AL or IAL results, the top-ranked students, who have not been interviewed before, will be invited for interview in late August. 

Poyau | 2024-10-19 06:48
Quote:naturebeauty 發表於 24-10-15 08:07 那麼請問portfolio有什麼經驗就比較好? 我小朋友明顯數理強、文科(語文)弱,如果讀dse,中英文應該會 ...

港大醫科 DSE 計最佳6科 M1/2算1科 今年有收34分 舉隅 5(5*)1(4) 數+PCB+M1/2 摘星 中英文其一有4 想想對比 AL 4A* 孰難孰易

naturebeauty | 2024-10-19 08:26
Quote:Poyau 發表於 24-10-19 06:27 中大醫科要求 AL 4A* DY2要≥95% FM 不計1科 Maths/FM 取較高者 加上可考 AL 中文 以符合語文要求

請問什麼是:DY2要≥95% 謝謝你的資料,我看到你一直都提供好多資料給人

HelloKitty2003 | 2024-10-19 08:46
GCE/IAL students should take 4 AL subjects (excluding Chinese), of which at least 3 subjects should be completed in one sitting (within a 12-month period). 這是什麼意思?如果分開AS and Alevel 考,一般要2年,那within12months 是怎樣計?
woyj | 2024-10-19 09:18
Quote:HelloKitty2003 發表於 24-10-19 08:46 GCE/IAL students should take 4 AL subjects (excluding Chinese), of which at least 3 subjects should ...

[i=s] 本帖最後由 woyj 於 24-10-19 09:21 編輯 [/i] 本帖最後由 woyj 於 24-10-19 09:20 編輯 係呀, 依句真係好難明 其實係指以下各項加埋一齊: 1. 無論你take UK 本地GCE 或者IAL exam, 要4科(HKU and CUHK要chem ) 而且中文科不計的 2. 這4科之中既其中3科 要係12 個月內"完成" - “完成”係指IAL 3科 A2 exams ( 通常先考AS 後考A2). 而且只考一次. 你可以第一年考哂IAL AS , 第二年考A2 "12個月” 點計呢- 之前官方答Sep 24 to Aug 25 .你可以問下admission 另外GCE考試係全部paper 一齊考, 所以只有3科同一學年考就冇問題

HelloKitty2003 | 2024-10-19 09:50
Quote:woyj 發表於 24-10-19 09:18
本帖最後由 woyj 於 24-10-19 09:21 編輯

本帖最後由 woyj 於 24-10-19 09:20 編輯
謝回覆。想問CAIE GCE alevel 是否IAL course?
HelloKitty2003 | 2024-10-19 09:53
Quote:woyj 發表於 24-10-19 09:18
本帖最後由 woyj 於 24-10-19 09:21 編輯

本帖最後由 woyj 於 24-10-19 09:20 編輯
12moths 如果計sept2024-Aug 2025, 怎樣可以第一年考AS?
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