A Level 入大學醫科

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woyj | 2024-10-19 10:09
Quote:HelloKitty2003 發表於 24-10-19 09:53 12moths 如果計sept2024-Aug 2025, 怎樣可以第一年考AS?

[i=s] 本帖最後由 woyj 於 24-10-19 10:18 編輯 [/i] 本帖最後由 woyj 於 24-10-19 10:10 編輯 sep 24 to Aug 25 是第二年, 假設你Sep 25 入大學 for IAL, 你可以第一年考As , 第二年考A2 , 通常都係咁考 另外要留意, 基本上大學承認2年內的國際試成績, 所以吾好太早考

woyj | 2024-10-19 10:14
Quote:HelloKitty2003 發表於 24-10-19 09:50 謝回覆。想問CAIE GCE alevel 是否IAL course?

[i=s] 本帖最後由 woyj 於 24-10-19 10:28 編輯 [/i] 本帖最後由 woyj 於 24-10-19 10:16 編輯 以我所知, CAIE 係考試exam board . GCE a level is different from IAL. 你應該係自修? 因為如果有學校在讀應該可以問學校 香港有學校提供GCE a level , 詳情我吾清楚. 但係我見到有些學校冇寫清楚係考IAL 還是GCE A level , 好混亂 自修的話, why not choose IAL because it is more flexible? Syllabus is the same

HelloKitty2003 | 2024-10-19 10:28
Quote:woyj 發表於 24-10-19 10:09
本帖最後由 woyj 於 24-10-19 10:18 編輯

本帖最後由 woyj 於 24-10-19 10:10 編輯
Poyau | 2024-10-19 11:34
Quote:naturebeauty 發表於 24-10-19 08:26 請問什麼是:DY2要≥95% 謝謝你的資料,我看到你一直都提供好多資料給人

不用客氣 DY2 要求 4A* 計分數 UMS ≥95% 以及 4A* 包括 Chem 及 Bio 兩科 https://www.med.cuhk.edu.hk/study/prospective-students/undergraduate-study/programme-and-admission/mbchb-and-gps/admissions/jupas Dynamic Year 2 (DY2) The personalised medicine curriculum allows students to choose their own study path to match their interests, passions or career goals and with greater flexibility and autonomy.   In CU Medicine, high-achieving students with a total HKDSE score of 38 or above, with 5* or above in English, Biology and Chemistry may be exempted from some courses of Faculty package, and students with these exemptions may be offered an option of admission to Year 2 of the medicine programme as well as an intercalated supervised enrichment year. https://www.med.cuhk.edu.hk/study/prospective-students/undergraduate-study/programme-and-admission/mbchb-and-gps/admissions/dy2 Requirements & Exemptions The normative study period of our medicine programme is 6 years. Students who have acquired the relevant academic qualifications will be eligible for the Dynamic Year 2 (DY2) option and considered on a case-by-case basis. Students who are granted sufficient course exemptions from the University Core and introductory Faculty Package courses will be given an option to DY2. Qualifications Minimum Level HKDSE A total score of 38 or above in 6 subjects, with 5* or above in English, Biology and Chemistry GCE A-Level A* in 4 Subjects (≥95%) and A* in Biology and Chemistry IB A total score of 43-45 with 6 or above in Biology (HL) and Chemistry (HL) and 7 in either one of the subjects. Degree Holders / Undergraduates / Current Medical Students Considered on a case-by-case basis. Students will be informed of their advanced standing status when they receive an admission offer from the Faculty. The applicants that are eligible for the most exemptions will normally receive priority for Year 2 places.   Eligible students do not need to apply for the DY2 option. The Faculty will contact you further for the handling of your entry year and course registration.

Poyau | 2024-11-04 20:21
Quote:HelloKitty2003 發表於 24-10-19 09:50 謝回覆。想問CAIE GCE alevel 是否IAL course?

CIE 係 IAL HKEAA 網頁有以下 CIE IAL 科目 CIE IAL October/November 2024 -------------------------------------------------------- Chinese Language & Literature English Language Literature in English Mathematics Further Mathematics Accounting Business Economics Geography History Psychology Sociology HKEAA https://www.hkeaa.edu.hk/tc/IPE/gce_gcse_igcse_ial/gce/ https://www.hkeaa.edu.hk/DocLibrary/ipe/gce/UC_GCE_SubjectFee.pdf CIE https://www.cambridgeinternational.org/programmes-and-qualifications/cambridge-advanced/cambridge-international-as-and-a-levels/subjects/

Poyau | 2024-11-04 21:31
Quote:HelloKitty2003 發表於 24-10-19 08:46 GCE/IAL students should take 4 AL subjects (excluding Chinese), of which at least 3 subjects should ...

參考 SPC IAL 公開考試時間表 Public Examination Schedule -------------------------------------------------------- F.4 GCE AL Chinese Jun 2025 F.5 IAS Jan / May&Jun 2026 IELTS Jul 2026 F.6 IA2 F.6 Jan / May&Jun 2027 Curriculum IAL http://www.spc.edu.hk/content.php?id=152&mid=228-231 PowerPoint Presentation from the IAL Talk for F.3 on 2023-10-13 http://www.spc.edu.hk/upload_files/editor_image/senior_secondary_curriculum_(ial)_13-10-2023.pdf

naturebeauty | 2024-11-05 17:49
感謝你資料,很有用 根據第11頁(我不知道怎樣貼圖),是不是學生不會在同一次A2考試考完所有科目?

naturebeauty | 2024-11-05 17:51
參考SPC資料,好奇問下:為什麼City U的收生成績那麼高?(3A-3A*)

ok_ko | 2024-11-06 15:57
[i=s] 本帖最後由 ok_ko 於 24-11-6 15:58 編輯 [/i] Quote:ckmammy 發表於 24-10-10 10:42
想問即係 Jupus 只要夠高分就唔需要靚 porfolio 都搵入?

經JUPAS報,就算放榜前沒有interview,放榜後能交出Lower Q分數的都會穩入。有同學仔就算 DSE 成績未達標,查卷後,剛達到最低要求的,都被叫回來了。Porfolio真係唔係太重要,當然你點都要比DD誠意。

至於A-level,其實同DSE 唔同的是conditional offer。就是你根本都未考公開試。
大學是憑你的PGpersonal statement interview 而作出offer。這樣你從前做過D咩就有D重要了。同是 predict4-A*,名校學生一定有D著數。所以,你最好看看你自己間學校從前的經驗。最好問問貴校的升學輔導主任較爲實際。

ckmammy | 2024-11-06 16:08
Quote:ok_ko 發表於 24-11-6 15:57
經JUPAS報,就算放榜前沒有interview,放榜後能交出Lower Q分數的都會穩入。有同學仔就算 DSE 成績未達標 ...
如果係咁,DSE 看來好似著數啲, 只要成績達標就可以。反之,IB 同 AL 除咗成績達標仲要睇埋其他嘢
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