A Level 入大學醫科

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cafeva | 2024-11-12 12:20
Quote:Poyau 發表於 24-11-12 12:18
中大醫科要求 HL776 包括化學/生物
HL776 總分可能係 44/43/42

港大呢? 港大收咁多

Poyau | 2024-11-12 13:03
Quote:cafeva 發表於 24-11-12 12:20 肥左好難瘦返以前.

港大呢? 港大收咁多

港大醫科 IB 42 HL要化學 無寫 HL776 港大醫科 https://hkumed-ugadmissions.hku.hk/ug_programmes/bachelor-of-medicine-and-bachelor-of-surgery/#_section-2 What is the expected minimum score / achievement for admission to the MBBS programme? The following table shows the expected minimum score for the MBBS programme. Satisfying the grades / scores stated below does not guarantee admission as admission decisions are also based on other academic and non-academic information provided in the application.   IB 42 GCEAL / IAL 4A* (excluding Chinese and English language subjects#) 中大醫科 https://www.med.cuhk.edu.hk/study/prospective-students/undergraduate-study/programme-and-admission/mbchb-and-gps/admissions/non-jupas#IB International Baccalaureate (IB) IB students should take 6 subjects, including 3 Higher Level subjects. Either Chemistry or Biology should be taken at Higher Level, but taking both is recommended.   The minimum requirement is a final score ≥42/45, with grades of at least 6,7,7 in the Higher Level subjects.   After the release of IB results, the top-ranked students, who have not been interviewed before, will be invited for interview in late July. GCE A-level and International A-level (IAL) GCE/IAL students should take 4 AL subjects (excluding Chinese), of which at least 3 subjects should be completed in one sitting (within a 12-month period). Either Chemistry or Biology should be taken. Having both is preferable. Further Maths is not counted as a separate subject. The raw mark of Maths or Further Maths, whichever is higher, will count towards the total GCE score. With the changes to the A-level examination system, students who do not have the old scaled marks (UMS) are required to provide raw marks and grade boundaries of each subject right after the release of results. We will use the raw marks and grade boundaries to estimate a percentage mark similar to the one in the previous UMS system. It is increasingly important that students should provide the results of other entry examinations such as the United Kingdom Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT). As the results are not released until mid-August, we will invite a few applicants with outstanding results in the GCE AS level, IGCSE, and/or UKCAT for an early interview. After the release of GCE AL or IAL results, the top-ranked students, who have not been interviewed before, will be invited for interview in late August. 

Poyau | 2024-11-12 15:43
Quote:cafeva 發表於 24-11-12 12:20 肥左好難瘦返以前.

港大呢? 港大收咁多

中大醫科收生要求 UCAS 對照分 IBDP 42 HL776 與 DSE 34 相若 DSE 達332A+22 五科30+ 近2% IBDP | DSE -------------------------------------------------------- 45 HL777 | 4(5**)1(5*) 34 [38] 44 HL777 | 3(5**)2(5*) 33 [37] 44 HL776 | 2(5**)3(5*) 32 [36] 43 HL777 | 2(5**)3(5*) 32 [36] 43 HL776 | 1(5**)4(5*) 31 [35] 43 HL766 | 5(5*) 30 [34] 42 HL777 | 1(5**)4(5*) 31 [35] 42 HL776 | 5(5*) 30 [34] 42 HL766 | 4(5*)1(5) 29 [33] 42 HL666 | 3(5*)2(5) 28 [32] [B6 = B5 + 4] 中大醫科 https://www.med.cuhk.edu.hk/study/prospective-students/undergraduate-study/programme-and-admission/mbchb-and-gps/admissions We set out to recruit the very best students. https://www.med.cuhk.edu.hk/study/prospective-students/undergraduate-study/programme-and-admission/mbchb-and-gps/admissions/requirements We offer 295 places in 2024-25 and we do not set specific quota for JUPAS and non-JUPAS places. We select students who rank around top 1-2% in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) or equivalent standards for non-JUPAS categories, as well as having a good performance at the admission interview. https://www.med.cuhk.edu.hk/study/prospective-students/undergraduate-study/programme-and-admission/mbchb-and-gps/admissions/jupas Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) (JS4501)   Apart from the 4 core subjects, students should take at least 2 electives (with one being either Biology OR Chemistry) offered in the HKDSE. Taking a third elective is strongly recommended as we use the total score of all graded subjects to rank students (3 cores + 2 or 3 electives). ······ Note: Taking both Chemistry and Biology is preferred.   The conversion of HKDSE examination grades to our admission scores is as follows: 5**=7, 5*=6, 5=5, 4=4, 3=3.   Based on the previous results, we expect that students should achieve a total HKDSE score of around 34 or higher for entry into our medicine programme.   The extended Mathematics module (M1/M2) will not be counted as one of the elective subjects, but it would contribute to the total HKDSE score if its attained level is higher than that of the worst one of the six graded subjects (3 core subjects + the best 3 elective subjects). In that case, the score for the worst subject is replaced by a new score comprising half the original score of that subject and half the score of the extended mathematics module. The calculation will be:  (M1/M2 + lowest level obtained in the 6 graded subjects) ÷ 2.   Based on students’ School Reference Index, students who have put MBChB and/or GPS as one of Band A choices will be shortlisted for early interviews in May/June. After the release of HKDSE results in late July, students achieving high total HKDSE score and have not been interviewed before will be selected for interview in August. [url]https://jump.mingpao.com/career-news/daily-news/聯招放榜2024|港大醫學院醫科生53經聯招-稱75承諾不再/ ······ 中大入學處長:資助大學應多照顧DSE生 ····· 兩大醫學院每年共590個醫科學額。王家徹稱,本地學生不乏優秀人才,以今年DSE約4萬名日校考生計,舉例成績最佳的2%,有800人,「我會問,是否這也滿足不到兩間醫學院約600個學額呢?」他進一步分析,未必每個尖子有志讀醫,但再放寬範圍,舉例全港成績最優秀4%的考生中,仍有1600名DSE本地生,是兩大醫學院可羅致的對象,「反映我們對本港聯招同學的照料,是合理不過」。 ······

Poyau | 2024-11-12 21:50
Quote:cafeva 發表於 24-10-10 18:17 會唔會係4A* 都係top 1% 都係穩入.

疫情時2020年量化寬鬆4A*約1% 疫情前幾年4A*皆低於0.5% 近兩年復常雖無公布 4A*應低於1% 港大醫科 4A* 計FM 不計中文/英文 中大醫科 4A*(≥95%) 不計中文/FM 如想取4A*讀醫 港大難度相對中大低 以下為數理化生物其中三科皆A*人數 England 2024 | 2020 | 2019 AL -------------------------------------------------------- 適齡考生科目組合 3A* -------------------------------------------------------- 生物 化學 Maths 1,590 | 2,035 | 1,070 物理 化學 Maths 1,055 | 1,640 | 855 物理 生物 Maths 155 | 360 | 135 物理 化學 生物 130 | 260 | 120 https://analytics.ofqual.gov.uk/apps/Alevel/SubjectCombinations/

cafeva | 2024-11-13 09:45
[i=s] 本帖最後由 cafeva 於 24-11-13 09:52 編輯 [/i] Quote:Poyau 發表於 24-11-12 21:50
近兩年復常雖無公布 4A*應低於1%

其實4A* >95% 係咩意思? 係咪4科總分>95 percentile?

你quote 的data好似只計英國學生, 有無D係計非英國學生?

另外4A*% 既source 係邊度?

many thanks.

Poyau | 2024-11-13 13:58
Quote:cafeva 發表於 24-11-13 09:45 其實4A* >95% 係咩意思? 係咪4科總分>95 percentile?

你quote 的data好似只計英國學生, 有無D係計非英國 ...

中大醫科 4A* ≥95% 指 UMS ≥95% 例如 UMS 滿分100 95%即係要95分 無 UMS 就用原始分估計 https://www.med.cuhk.edu.hk/study/prospective-students/undergraduate-study/programme-and-admission/mbchb-and-gps/admissions/non-jupas With the changes to the A-level examination system, students who do not have the old scaled marks (UMS) are required to provide raw marks and grade boundaries of each subject right after the release of results. We will use the raw marks and grade boundaries to estimate a percentage mark similar to the one in the previous UMS system. https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/support/support-topics/results-certification/understanding-marks-and-grades/converting-marks-points-and-grades.html https://store.aqa.org.uk/over/stat_pdf/UNIFORMMARKS-LEAFLET.PDF

Poyau | 2024-11-13 14:32
Quote:cafeva 發表於 24-11-13 09:45 其實4A* >95% 係咩意思? 係咪4科總分>95 percentile?

你quote 的data好似只計英國學生, 有無D係計非英國 ...

Ofqual 以下報告有 4A* 數字 Summer 2021 results analysis and quality assurance - A level and GCSE Updated 20 August 2021 https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/61129ab4d3bf7f0447b14bfc/6828-2_Summer_2021_results_analysis_and_quality_assurance_-_GCSE_and_A_level.pdf https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/analysis-of-results-a-levels-and-gcses-summer-2021/summer-2021-results-analysis-and-quality-assurance-a-level-and-gcse

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