HKU Non Jupas accept offer 問題

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tinyuichan | 2021-02-07 23:36
問題: 若accept HKU幾個offer,最後符合所有condition,咁,係任學生揀學系,定或按表格上順序由大學提供only one offer呢?

giver | 2021-02-19 00:33

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Quote:tinyuichan 發表於 21-2-7 23:36
最多可以揀五個 conditional offers,但只限一個 firm offer : 咁個 firm offer 係出咗成績之後,學生自己揀囉。

" I agree to the terms and conditions on the offer of admission. I understand that I can accept at most one firm offer and up to five conditional offers but if I have earlier accepted a firm offer, on my acceptance of a later firm offer, I will be regarded as having automatically declined the earlier firm offer. "