HKU non jupas 牙科,需要老BMAT 試嗎?

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cwclsh | 2022-04-27 17:03
Quote:Leisurefan 發表於 22-4-20 16:03 回覆 doublechin 的帖子 My daughter is in Year 1, IB graduate last year


Leisurefan | 2022-04-28 13:42
回覆 cwclsh 的帖子 Last year CO for IB was 41
cwclsh | 2022-04-28 21:00
Quote:Leisurefan 發表於 22-4-28 13:42 回覆 cwclsh 的帖子 Last year CO for IB was 41

thank you :good:

DOCTORGG | 2022-04-30 13:04
Quote:Leisurefan 發表於 22-4-25 14:57 回覆 DOCTORGG 的帖子 Total 81 for 21/22 intake


Leisurefan | 2022-04-30 18:40
[i=s] 本帖最後由 Leisurefan 於 22-4-30 20:03 編輯 [/i] 回覆 DOCTORGG 的帖子

基本上是全年無休地溫書,要鍾意讀牙科才會享受,而work-life balance 亦很重要,才可平衡心理。今年一月的考試(分數佔全年成績30%)就有27定28人不合格。而所有人,包括non-jupas students, 都要讀中文.
DOCTORGG | 2022-04-30 18:49
Quote:Leisurefan 發表於 22-4-30 18:40 回覆 DOCTORGG 的帖子 基本上是全年無休地溫書,要鍾意讀牙科才會享受,而work-life balance 亦很重要,才 ...

要讀中文? 不是全英教學嗎? 中文有什麼可讀? 英文科有什麼英文成績要求可以豁免讀英文科呢? 謝謝你!

chickchick | 2022-04-30 21:16
Quote:Leisurefan 發表於 22-4-30 18:40 回覆 DOCTORGG 的帖子

基本上是全年無休地溫書,要鍾意讀牙科才會享受,而work-life balance 亦很重要,才 ...

我見BDS有宣傳片,有個學生係女仔,話自己唔識中文,同病人實習就faculty搵d 英語/非廣東話學生俾佢。咁呢d海外生都要讀中文?! 深唔深㗎?

Leisurefan | 2022-05-01 15:07
回覆 chickchick 的帖子 For now (at least for last year), only students with an HKID can apply for BDS. They do have a small number of students who do not speak Chinese at all. In the case of this year, these students would be taught a lower level of Chinese, but they still need to learn it. There was a Korean senior who did not speak any Chinese when she joined and now she can speak fluent Cantonese. Chinese studies are for this semester only.
English studies are exempted for IB students.

wat321 | 2022-05-02 12:08
對於一啲我知嘅嘢 我想分享下:-

1. 考港大牙科要不要BMAT 成績?

港大牙科收生( for both jupas and non jupas) 係必須要interview比教授逐個揀, 教授會睇晒嗰學生整體成绩同interview 表現, 我覺得考咗BMAT 後, 考得好咪話佢知囉, 考得唔好或者中中, 咪唔好提囉。 HKU dental 收生interview出名難難難, 香港同國際時事, 天南地北乜嘢都會問, 有人話係想試下的同學係壓力下嘅反應好唔好, 腦筋轉得快唔快。 所以高分都未必收, 聽說早兩年有個DSE榜眼都冇收到。

2. 港大牙科CO41

不過首先要PG44或45才可以有港大牙科interview, interview ok, 教授想收你先至會畀過CO 41.
我聽過好多人Cambridge同 Oxford嘅CO係38添。
pypy405 | 2022-05-02 19:56

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