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andiecyw | 2012-10-05 13:08
steven819 | 2012-10-05 21:43
They separate the kids and parents. Parents will hear the principal presenting the school in the lecture hall. Then the students ambassadors will take the parents around the school. Kids will be interviewed by teachers. My kids said it is not a interview and only remember they watch a movie. I guess they observe their behaviiour. Then parents pick up their kids and have lunch from the school kitchen. Just relax, from previous BK parents experience we don't hear any kids get rejected. My information is year back, hope others with more recent experience will give you a updated information.
Little_cy | 2012-10-05 21:51
and my boy said they played game in the classroom.....老師叫停就停咁, 可能想睇下小朋友有冇聽INSTRUCTION... 我阿話好好玩.
wister | 2012-10-06 15:58

JoJo | 2012-10-06 17:14


希望各會員能夠通力合作。 謝謝!

steven819 | 2012-10-06 18:17
回復 JoJo 的帖子 I think giving information on the format of interview and past years questions is OK. These information has disclosed already and letting all others knowing it leads to a fairer game.
JoJo | 2012-10-06 22:10

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Quote:steven819 發表於 12-10-6 18:17
回復 JoJo 的帖子

I think giving information on the format of interview and past years questions is ...
