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Sportsscene | 2013-10-21 20:45
回復 hoho1119 的帖子 Actually, this year many 雙非 .. see when I hand in the application. A bit worrying .. esp. when 大陸 people cannot speak English .. how can they go to school together? Heard from friends that new principal is from 大陸 .. and knows no English ... but is an English school?
carinla | 2013-10-22 10:06
誰人亂說! 校長香港人,早年移民New Zealand, 有熱誠有heart! 耀中附屬幼稚園,英文一定ok, 全校好多外藉老師. 我小孩由嬰幼兒(一歲半)讀到現在5歲班,都好滿意!由於雙班主任制(一中,一英),英語程度相對好! 有一半以上考入私小或直資。唔多覺雙非。
Sportsscene | 2013-10-22 21:27
[i=s] 本帖最後由 Sportsscene 於 13-10-22 21:32 編輯 [/i] 回復 carinla 的帖子

I'm referring to the Primary school .. not kindergarten. The kindergarten seems alright .. not so many changes there as told to me by my friends. Lucky you. Anyway, back to what I know.

The HK principal who lived in New Zealand (Mr Chan I suppose?) left last year. The new PRIMARY SCHOOL principal now is a woman from MAINLAND CHINA ..think her surname's Wu. Meanwhile, the KINDERGARTEN principal is still the same HK lady. If you don't believe me, go see for yourself.
And there's definitely quite a few 雙非 .. and about the English standards ... depends on who and what you're comparing it to.

I'll be going for the interview on Saturday ... everything will be clear on that day.

carinla | 2013-10-22 23:26
回復 Sportsscene 的帖子 但你在激活幼稚園的版面,好自然應該講激幼,而唔係小學嘛。。。
我講的系幼稚園。 范校長系幼稚園,New Zealand國籍的。

小學部的陳校長去了沙田王錦輝啦。 而家校長好似聽聞以前系副校,無錯,她說普通話的。 小學,我都系今星期六去in 喔

Sorriso | 2013-10-24 01:39
Quote:原帖由 Sportsscene 於 13-10-22 發表
本帖最後由 Sportsscene 於 13-10-22 21:32 編輯 回復 carinla 的帖子

tellyouwhy | 2013-11-19 22:09
[i=s] 本帖最後由 tellyouwhy 於 14-9-7 18:38 編輯 [/i] :crying:令我感覺佢太無人情! 令人失望

hihi3b | 2013-12-16 19:01
回覆 tellyouwhy 的帖子 tellyouwhy i totally can imagine your feeling. I feel for you.What i think is the school got too many applications that's why they want to filter out some. You are just unlucky.

tellyouwhy | 2013-12-26 20:52
回覆 hihi3b 的帖子 Too many applicants is not a reason to reject my apllication in such way. I think ... this school will never be the one under my consideration.
joeyw | 2014-04-10 18:11
Quote:原帖由 Sorriso 於 13-09-19 發表

Sorriso | 2014-04-14 22:41

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