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9284 | 2012-04-10 12:30
1 . 英文ORAL程度好唔好
2. 老師流失高唔高

enrwing | 2012-04-11 17:39
1. They have about 5 to 6 NET.
2. Their teachers are quite good and caring, in particular the Putunghua ones.
3. Students there are very happy as they have a big playground and the supporting staffs are abudant.

The school fee is well justified in terms of facilities and good location at Kowloon Tong. The only bad thing is that students may be too free to play and learn if you want them to get used to a very traditional kindergarten/primary school after graduation.
hchy | 2012-04-15 22:11
1 . 都幾好, 我個仔讀左兩年, D英文都可以, 佢都明老師講咩, 當然係好簡單既應答(我地係屋企好少講英文), 記得讀K1果時學校開放日去玩, 其中有一段時間係唱歌同故事時間, 有個外籍老師講故事, 全部用英文講, 我個仔都明佢講咩, 仲答哂佢D問題, 我真係有D愕然, 除左英文, 普通話亞仔而家都係無問題
2. 老師流失高唔高 - 國語老師兩年都係同一個人, 而英文老師就有轉, 轉左兩個 但係我見第二班都仍然係果D老師
3.我個仔讀得十分之開心, 呢兩年無試過扭計唔返學, 有時唔肯起身, OR動作好慢, 我就會話:你繼續慢慢, 再慢就趕唔切車, 就會無得返學, 之後就會好快出到門口
**我滿意呢間學校既老師, 校工, 同埋校車司機叔叔, 佢地校車好有交帶, 因交通OR家長遲左, 佢地會通知你黎緊大概幾點會到, 唯一一個我唔鍾意既係佢地內部有D亂, 而家俾早期好左D
Babyhung | 2012-04-17 14:46
回復 hchy 的帖子 請問你仔仔係讀國際班定本地班?而家讀梗pre-nursury 定K1 ??
hchy | 2012-04-17 16:49
karaqueenie | 2012-04-19 16:36
知唔知K1多唔多人讀全日班?全日班又係咩模式呢? 係咪日日都有OUTDOOR?
giantkid | 2012-04-20 00:29

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逢星期一我都見好多家長攞住被袋同小朋友番學,所以讀全日班既人應該不少,不過係咪K1 就不知道。另外,PN 日日都有OUTDOOR,我估無理由K1無。