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Riisteve | 2014-08-23 13:57
基信 25/8 早上10時至12時將會舉行迎新日, 各位家長會去看看嗎?
shirleen | 2014-08-23 16:41
我囡year 2, 迎新曰是9月1日,學校已來電跟我確認當曰會否出席

shirleen | 2014-08-23 16:44

Riisteve | 2014-08-23 18:41
San Wui Commercial Society YMCA of Hong Kong Christian School has Year One Orientation on 25 August 2014. Time is 10:00-12:00. Will you attend?
I heard that there is no student place of Year One. What a pity!
virgokaren | 2014-08-24 00:05
The orietation on 25/8 is only for new student of year one, it's not open to public.

csparent | 2014-08-31 21:44

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