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carmenhui27 | 2017-06-15 22:01

rex13 | 2017-06-21 13:28
Quote:carmenhui27 發表於 17-6-15 22:01 大家交流下呀!覺得學校點?


carmenhui27 | 2017-06-21 17:01
Quote:rex13 發表於 17-6-21 13:28 你叩入左拿?


rex13 | 2017-06-21 20:42
Quote:carmenhui27 發表於 17-6-21 17:01 未有消息呀。睇下有冇人叩入咗


carmenhui27 | 2017-06-21 21:53
Quote:rex13 發表於 17-6-21 20:42


rex13 | 2017-06-21 22:16
Quote:carmenhui27 發表於 17-6-21 21:53 你呢?派咗邊間呀?你有冇消息呀?

我冇叩呢間,不過叩緊嘅都冇消息,咪周圍睇下lol…等極都冇電話到…… 等到個人都悶悶地……

carmenhui27 | 2017-06-22 06:26
Quote:rex13 發表於 17-6-21 22:16 我冇叩呢間,不過叩緊嘅都冇消息,咪周圍睇下lol…等極都冇電話到…… 等到個人都悶悶地……


AndrewHo_FB | 2017-09-28 13:34
[i=s] 本帖最後由 AndrewHo_FB 於 17-9-28 13:35 編輯 [/i] The headmaster fm the primary school said in the kindergarten's presentation in early Sept, the primary school teachers will visit each of the accepted students individually during the summer holiday.

It is a very supportive primary school and really impressive.
Lingyau1221 | 2017-11-07 15:40
Quote:AndrewHo_FB 發表於 17-9-28 13:34 The headmaster fm the primary school said in the kindergarten's presentation in early Sept, the prim ...

come home to visit?

AndrewHo_FB | 2017-11-07 17:50
Quote:Lingyau1221 發表於 17-11-7 15:40
come home to visit?
Yes, home visit to each new P1 student in the summer holiday, according to the principal.

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